Georgia Tech College of Computing School of Interactive Computing GT Vis Lab Information Interfaces Group

Stasko picture John T. Stasko
Regents Professor
School of Interactive Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
85 5th St., NW
Technology Square Research Building
Atlanta, GA 30332-0760
Office: Technology Square Research Building, Room 355   
   (404) 894-5617
Directions to John's office
Lab: Technology Square Research Building, Room 334
Fax: (404) 894-3146
Email: stasko[at]cc[dot]gatech[.]edu
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Curriculum vita (updated Jan '25)         
Google Scholar (h-index: 80)
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Some pictures of John
Background John is a Regents Professor in the School of Interactive Computing (IC) in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. He joined the GT faculty in 1989 after receiving Sc.M. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island (1985 and 1989) and a B.S. degree in Mathematics from Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania (1983). From 2021-2022, John also served as the Interim School Chair of Interactive Computing. John is additionally an Adjunct Faculty member of the School of Computing Instruction at GT, as he regularly teaches one of the large CS intro courses. In 2013, John was named an Honorary Professor in the School of Computer Science at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

John's primary research areas are data and information visualization, approaching each from a human-computer interaction perspective. In 2013, he served as General Chair of the IEEE VIS conference, the flagship academic conference for his research area, when it was held in Atlanta. John was inducted into the ACM CHI Academy in 2016 and the IEEE VIS Academy in 2019, and he was named an IEEE Fellow in 2014 and an ACM Fellow in 2022. In 2012, John received the IEEE VGTC Visualization Technical Achievement Award, and in 2023 he received the IEEE VGTC Visualization Lifetime Achievment Award. On the instructional side, John has twice received the College of Computing's annual gus baird Teaching Award.

Research John is Director of the Information Interfaces Research Group whose mission is to help people take advantage of information to enrich their lives. As the amount of data available to people and organizations has skyrocketed over the past 10-20 years, largely fueled by the growth of the internet, insufficient methods for people to benefit from this flood of data have been developed. A central focus of many of the group's projects is the creation of information visualization and visual analytics tools to help people explore, analyze, understand, and communicate data sets. In particular, they are creating visual analytics systems to help people with "sense-making" activities on data sets such as large document collections. The group also has developed many techniques and systems for providing people with peripheral awareness of useful information. John's passion about research in, and the value of, data visualization is illustrated in his EuroVis 2014 Conference Capstone invited lecture. He describes his more recent research on designing flexible and natural interfaces for human-data interaction in this 2022 CSIG-VIS lecture.


Current PhD
Alex Bendeck
Yu Fu

Completed PhD
Hayeong Song, 2024, Research Scientist at Western Digital
Po Ming "Terrance" Law, 2021, Research Scientist at Epsilon, (co-advisor with A. Endert)
John Thompson, 2020, Research Scientist with AutoDesk
Arjun Srinivasan, 2020, Research Scientist at Tableau Research
Alex Godwin, 2018, Assistant Professor at American Univ.
Mengdie Hu, 2018, Research Scientist at Facebook
Ramik Sadana, 2017, Senior Engineer at Uber
Yi Han, 2016, Assistant Professor at National Sun Yat-sen University, (co-advisor with G. Abowd)
Chad Stolper, 2016, Software Engineer at Google, (co-advisor with P. Chau)
Youn ah Kang, 2012, Associate Professor at Yonsei University
Zhicheng Liu, 2012, Assistant Professor at Univ. of Maryland
Chris Plaue, 2009, Senior Lecturer and Undergraduate Coordinator at Clemson Univ.
James Eagan, 2008, Associate Professor at Telecom-ParisTech
Ji Soo Yi, 2008, Vice President at Samsung
Jun Xiao, 2006, CEO and Founder, Immune Arch
Duke Hutchings, 2006, Professor & Dept. Chair at Elon University
Alex Zhao 2001, Senior Software Engineer at Google
Scott McCrickard, 2000, Assoc. Professor at Virginia Tech
Brad Topol, 1998, IBM Distinguished Engineer, (co-advisor with M. Ahamad)
Dean Jerding, 1997, VP at Cognizant Softvision
Eileen Kraemer, 1995, Professor & Former Director, School of Computing at Clemson Univ.
Keith Edwards, 1995, Professor at Georgia Tech
Mariano Garcia, 1993, UPR-Cayey, (co-advisor with A. Badre)

Service Overall Papers Co-Chair, IEEE VIS 2023
Co-organizer, AVI 2018 Workshop on Multimodal Interaction for Data Visualization
Papers Co-Chair, 2016 IEEE VAST
General Chair, IEEE VIS 2013
Co-Organizer, VIS 2013 Workshop on Sports Data Visualization
Co-Organizer, VIS 2013 Workshop on Public Health's Wicked Problems: Can InfoVis Save Lives?
Co-Organizer, VisWeek 2012 2nd Workshop on Interactive Visual Text Analytics
Judge,'s Stat Geek Idol
Co-Organizer, AVI 2012 Workshop on Supporting Asynchronous Collaboration in Visual Analytics Systems
Papers Co-Chair, 2009 IEEE VAST
General Chair, 2007 IEEE InfoVis
Papers Co-Chair, 2006 IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization
Papers Co-Chair, 2005 IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization
Co-Organizer, CHI 2005 Workshop on Distributed Display Environments
Program Chair, 2003 ACM Symposium on Software Visualization
Co-Organizer, CHI 2003 Workshop on Providing Elegant Peripheral Awareness
Steering Committee, IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Conference, 2015-2020
At Large Member, IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC)
Executive Committee, IEEE VisWeek, 2009-2012
Steering Committee, IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis) Conference, 2006-2012
Steering Committee, ACM Symposium on Software Visualization (SoftVis), 2003-2012
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2004-2008, 2017-2021
Associate Editor, Information Visualization (IV), 2001-present
Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI), 2006-2013
Associate Editor, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC), 1994-2015
Teaching 2024-25 academic year
   CS 6730--Data Visualization: Principles and Applications
   CS 1331--Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Past courses
CS 1331--Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (Spring '24)
CS 3158--Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Fall '98)
CS 4460--Intro. to Information Visualization (Fall '17)
CS 4801 SA--Sports Analytics (Spring '12)
CS 6452--Prototyping Interactive Systems(Fall '16)
CS 6730--Data Visualization: Principles & Applications (Fall '23)
CS/PSY 6750--Human-Computer Interaction (Spring '07)
CS 7390--Software Visualization (Spring '98)
CS 7450--Information Visualization (Spring '23)
CS 8001 VDE--Visualization Design Seminar (Spring '16)

Personal In his free time, Prof. Stasko enjoys doing some vacation travel with his wife Christy, bugging his kids Tommy, Mitchell and Audrey, playing golf, gardening around his yard, tending to his fish pond, and cheering on Atlanta United FC, the Atlanta Braves, Falcons, and Hawks.

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