- 10/22: Two papers accepted to HPCA. Congratulations to Divya, Anirudh, Hamed, and Srikar!
- 08/22: Congratulations to Marina and Albert for their MICRO 2022 paper!
- 07/22: My first co-advised PhD student, Mark, successfully defended his PhD. Congratulations Dr Sutherland!
- 06/22: One paper accepted to ASPLOS 2023!
- 04/22: I'll be serving as the MICRO 2022 Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair.
- 03/22: I'll be serving as a member of the ASPLOS 2023 Program Committee.
- 03/22: Our NFSlicer work is now available on ArXiv.
- 10/21: I'll be serving as a member of the ISCA 2022 Industry Track Program Committee.
- 08/21: One paper accepted to SoCC 2021!
- 08/21: Two papers accepted to MICRO 2021!
- 05/21: Our vision paper on the evolution of the edge-cloud continuum appeared in IEEE Computer's special issue on Computing for Autonomy.
- 02/21: I'll be serving as a member of the HPCA 2022 Program Committee.
- 01/21: I was thrilled to give a talk on Optimizing the "Last Mile" with Network-Computer Co-Design at the CRNCH Summit!
- 12/20: I am co-organizing the Third Young Architect Workshop (YArch) in conjunction with ASPLOS 2021. The workshop's focus is mentoring of junior researchers. Please consider submitting your early-stage research! Deadline Feb 17th.
- 05/20: Very much enjoyed joining Samira Khan's online series Happy Hour with Architects, Ep. 4 along with Muhammad Shahbaz on Network/Architecture CoDesign.
- 03/20: The virtual Young Architect Workshop (YArch) was a success and a great new experience! All recorded sessions (keynotes, panel, student presentations) are now available here.
- 03/20: Our paper, The NeBuLa RPC-Optimized Architecture, will appear at ISCA 2020!
- 02/20: I am honored to receive a Google Faculty Research Award!
- 02/20: I am co-organizing the Second Young Architect Workshop, which will be co-located with ASPLOS. The workshop's goal is the nurturing of junior researchers in computer architecture.
- 07/19: Our paper, Distributed Logless Atomic Durability with Persistent Memory, will appear at MICRO 2019.
- 06/19: I was honored to receive the ACM SIGARCH/IEEE CS TCCA Outstanding Dissertation Honorable Mention at ISCA 2019.
- 04/19: An extended version of our SoCC'16 paper is now an ACM TOCS paper entitled Mitigating Load Imbalance in Distributed Data Serving with Rack-Scale Memory Pooling.
- 03/19: Our paper, RPCValet: NI-Driven Tail-Aware Balancing of μs-scale RPCs, will appear at ASPLOS 2019.
- 10/18: My PhD thesis was awarded an EPFL thesis distinction.
- 10/18: My PhD thesis was nominated for an ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award.