CS 4001:
The USA Patriot Act, FISA, and Leakers/Whistleblowers
What you need to know for the final exam.
There's a lot of material about the USA Patriot Act. These are the things you are responsible for
on the final exam:
- What is the history of FISA?
- What are the key provisions of FISA?
- USA Patriot Act
- What is the history of the USA Patriot Act?
- What are the key provisions of the USA Patriot Act?
- What is section 215 of the Patriot Act and why is it controversial?
- Who is Brandon Mayfield, what happened to him, and why is this significant?
- National Security Letters
- What is a National Security Letter (NSL)?
- How has the use of NSLs changed over time?
- Discuss arguments in favor of and against the use of NSLs