Due: | 2/25, 3/3, 3/10 | |
Format: | Double spaced, 12 pt. font |
Hand in a full transcript of your interview. At least one interview must be on audio. The others may be text chat. Email is not allowed.
You may pay a transcription service like rev.com if you wish out of your own money, or you may transcribe by hand. Transcribing is time consuming, but does give you an opportunity to really get to know your data. If you do your own transcription, make sure your workstation is set up ergonomically and take frequent breaks. (Transcribing can cause repetitive strain injuries.)
Add comments to your transcript. You may simply use text in line, or use the comment feature of your word processing program. Note places where you wish you had phrased a question better. Mark things your participant said that you find particularly interesting and comment on why.
If you are unable to get an interview, hand in a one-page description of everything you have done to try to get an interview. If you miss a deadline, hand it in as soon as you can. There are no late penalties for late transcripts. Remember you must accomodate your partipant's schedule. You may not rush them to talk sooner.