Homework: Interview Questions

CS 4472/6470: The Design of Online Communities
Professor Amy Bruckman
Due:Tuesday, 2/23
Format:Double spaced, 12 pt. font
Approximate Length:One page

Write up a list of interview questions you hope to ask in your first interview. Look again at the Seidman chapter on interview technique and check your questions-- for example making sure they aren't leading.

Remember in your actual interview, you will not stick strictly to this list. You will follow up on what the participant says, and may improvise. This list is your starting point. After your first interview, you should refine your questions before your second interview. (You do not need to hand in your revised questions.) This is an opportunity to get TA feedback on your first version of your questions.

Please hand this in individually. After you have handed in your own questions, please meet with your team mates and compare questions. You will improve your questions based on feedback from your TA and especially from your team mates. The questions you actually use may be the same for all of you, or may be different if you are focusing on different parts of the site.