Quiz Makeup Assignment

CS 6470: The Design of Online Communities
Professor Amy Bruckman

Format:Double spaced, 12 pt. font
Approximate Length:Two pages
Submit by:Email to the TAs

If you miss a quiz with an excused absence, you may replace your quiz grade by doing the class's old reading reflection assignment.

You will write a two page "reading reflection" for the day you missed the quiz. The reflection may focus on one reading for the day, or may connect themes from multiple readings. Connecting the reading to the assigned online site for the day is encouraged, but please do not write primarily about the online site. If you choose to write about just one reading, please include a short paragraph about each of the other readings and the online site (~three to four sentences) so we know you read it.

Please include a short paragraph about the online site, if one is assigned, so we know you looked at it. You may also relate the online site to the readings, if relevant. Please do not make the online site the primary focus of your reflection.

What did you find interesting about the reading? What are the key issues the reading raises? What are the importance and broader implications of those issues?

This is not a summary of the reading. Please reflect on it. Tell us what it means. Relate readings to one another, or to the online site for the day. We are looking for insight.

Although you may write about shortcomings of the reading, you are discouraged from doing so. It is easy to tear pretty much anything apart, and is not necessarily a productive exercise. Even if you mainly disagree with a reading, the more interesting question to ask yourself is: what about this was valuable?

Your reflection is due one week after you return from your excused absence.