Research projects that contribute to the 17 UN SDGs are indicated using individual SDG icons.
We have made research contributions in the following areas:
I am honored to be selected BBISS Faculty Fellow, 2023
I am honored to be selected to the inaugural cohort of Energy Equity, Environmental Justice & Community Engagement Faculty Fellows, 2023
Tiny Data
Several of our projects culminate into the theme of Tiny Data.
At a high level, it is the idea that even a miniscule amount of data of the right kind can enable important applications.
A 10-minute presentation about Tiny Data is here. A longer talk presented at BBISS seminar series is here.
Publications - Papers Click to Copy Bibtex
IEEE Sensors Letters, 2024
uThaw: Ultra-wideband Wireless Solid-Liquid State Transition Sensor to Detect Thawing of Food
Rahul Bulusu, Ashutosh Dhekne
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Middleware, 2024
BASS: A Resource Orchestrator to Account for Vagaries in Network Conditions in Community Wi-Fi Mesh
UWB-Auth: A UWB-based Two Factor Authentication Platform
Yifeng Cao, Ashutosh Dhekne, Mostafa Ammar
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ICRAIEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Automation, 2024
Robust Indoor Localization with Ranging-IMU Fusion
Fan Jiang, David Caruso, Ashutosh Dhekne, Qi Qu, Jakob Engel, Jing Dong
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SensorsMDPI Sensors, 2024
Preliminary Technical Validation of LittleBeats™: A Multimodal Sensing Platform to Capture Cardiac Physiology, Motion, and Vocalizations
Bashima Islam*, Nancy L McElwain*, Jialu Li, Maria Davila, Yannan Hu, Kexin Hu, Jordan M Bodway, Ashutosh Dhekne, Romit Roy Choudhury, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson*
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IEEE JISPNIEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation, 2023
Spoofing Evident and Spoofing Deterrent Localization using Ultra-wideband (UWB) Active-Passive Ranging
Haige Chen, Ashutosh Dhekne
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IPIN, 2023
UnSpoof: Distance Spoofing-Evident Localization using UWB
Haige Chen, Ashutosh Dhekne
3rd Place - Best Paper Award
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CSCW, 2023
Privacy vs. Awareness: Relieving the Tension between Older Adults and Adult Children When Sharing In-home Activity
Jiachen Li, Bingrui Zong, Tingyu Cheng, Yunzhi Li, Elizabeth D Mynatt, Ashutosh Dhekne
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IMWUT, 2023
ViSig: Automatic Interpretation of Visual Body Signals using On-Body Sensors
Yifeng Cao, Ashutosh Dhekne, Mostafa Ammar
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SEC, 2022
ClairvoyantEdge: Prescient Prefetching of On-demand Video at the Edge of the Network
Bachelor of Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Advisor: Madhavi Pradhan
NEC Labs, Summer 2018
Multilateration from moving anchors
In this work we investigate if localization can be performed even when the anchors are mobile.
It has applications in various scenarios—military troops storming an enemy building, fire-fighters putting out fire sources inside buildings, search and rescue, etc.
Resulted in the NSDI 2019 paper.
Intel Labs, Summer 2016
Tracking a game of cricket—ball and players A cricket ball embedded with UWB sensors was tracked using two anchors placed at the two wickets on a cricket field.
The ranging protocol was improved to support about 150Hz update rate.
The fast moving ball and players were tracked using a MIMO UWB device. Resulted in the NSDI 2017 paper.
Zendrive, Summer 2015
Mode of commute categorization using mobile IMU data Zendrive enables automatic rating driving quality for all drivers of taxi-fleets.
In this work, a mobile device's IMU data was used to distinguish between various modes of transportation.
This enables tracking people's activities and provide better context to Zendrive's mobile App.
Thus, a person's mountain-biking does not affect her driving record.
Avaya, 2005-2006
Outlook plugin for automatic issue tracking
Avaya's internal teams frequently send emails about product issues to each other.
The contents were eventually manually copied into an issue tracking system.
We automated this process using an Outlook plugin that detected issue related emails and offered to post the contents in the system.
This system continued to be used at Avaya for 6 years after our internship.
Work Experience
Securifi, April 2013 - June 2014
End-to-end home automation Enabled home automation on Almond+ routers (router to cloud interface).
Mentored a team of engineers for database design, handling router-to-cloud communication, Android/iOS mobile Apps, and web application.
This work delivered the Almond+ to thousands of kickstarter backers.
Intel, July 2009 - April 2013
Wireless display and power saving for Windows graphics driver Selected for the prestigious Rotation Engineer program offering three rotations through various departments.
Enabled key features of the Intel Graphics Driver for Windows 7, 8.
Explored Intel WiDi for Clover trail, enabled DPST for Bay trail (Android).
Awarded GRA award for 100% Microsoft WHQL certification of Intel's graphics driver.
Ultra-Wideband Radio Technology, 2021
Exploring UWB This blog describes some of the important aspects of UWB. If you are interested in UWB research, this blog is a good starting point.
3200+ hits
Madwifi, 2009
Enabling TDMA on the Madwifi wireless driver During our work on long-distance wireless networks, we performed significant changes to the open source
Madwifi driver to disable usual CSMA capability and instead send and receive wireless packets at exact intervals.
Most of these ideas remain applicable even in the latest Atheros drivers and the blog is a good starting point for understanding wireless buffer flow inside the driver.
13500+ hits
Miscellaneous Experiments of a PhD Student, 2015
Titbits on wireless drivers, sensing, and ranging
Details about a project's engineering aspects sometimes do not find a place in publications.
Yet, engineering is indeed required to build full working systems that demonstrate the underlying principles.
This blog is a catch-all that attempts to bring such experiences under one roof.
8100+ hits
★ Score (EE, EJ & CE) Faculty Fellow
★ BBISS Faculty Fellow
★ NSF Career Award
★ Runners Up at Student Research Competition, Mobicom, 2016
★ Richard T. Cheng Fellowship, Computer Science Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014
★ Group Recognition Award, Intel, 2012
★ First Rank in Computer Science, AISSMS College of Engineering, 2004
★ First Rank (all engineering branches), AISSMS College of Engineering, 2003
★ National Talent Search Scholarship - 1000 awardees among 500,000+ students, 2000