Meeting Times: Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:30-5:45
Location: KACB 2443
Instructor: Edmond Chow
Office Hours: By appointment
This course will cover many of the major computational methods used in numerical simulation in science and engineering. The goal is for students to gain familiarity with methods developed in applied mathematics and how these methods are used in various applications. This course helps prepare students in high-performance computing for careers in large-scale numerical simulation where codes are developed by interdisciplinary teams. This course will also be of interest to graduate students in science and engineering disciplines who are interested in numerical simulation.
Students will be given the opportunity to enhance their learning
of new methods through
programming exercises and using simulation software.
Some class time will be devoted to these hands-on activities.
Numerical Methods (e.g., CX/MATH 4640) and
Graduate-level Numerical Linear Algebra (CSE/MATH 6643 and/or CSE/MATH 6644).
Experience with Matlab.
Familiarity with parallel computing, e.g., MPI and OpenMP.
20% Exercises (handed in but not thoroughly graded)
45% Three mini-projects
25% Final project (in-class presentation, final report)
10% Class participation
There is no textbook for this course.