Although two students are sharing a hardware, this is an individual assignment. Each student needs to submit their code into the T-square.
The demo should be done individually.
In this assignment, you will learn how to start Nintendo DS Programming, read keyboards and assembly code.
Installation Guide
Getting started.
Hello World
Hello Word.
In this assignment you are building a simple key-press example using Nintendo DS Assembly programming with NDS library.
Initialize two variables with pre-defined numeric values and when the following keys are pressed, the specified operations take place and the new variable values are printed.
Up: OR operation
Down: AND operation
start: Reset to default values
A: Exclusive OR operation
B: AND NOT (BIC) operation
Left: left shift by #1
Right: right shift by #1
Your screen needs to be updated every 1/60th seconds and the screen should says
"Key-Press example from your name. Variable values after operation are: variable values "
Please see the lecture notes file to get some initial starting code.
You demo your screen and submit the code in the T-square.
The demo will be during the classroom.
Useful links
ARM GCC Iline Assembler Cookbook