School of computer science

Georgia Institute of Technology

CS4803DGC, Spring 2011
Final Project
Hyesoon Kim, Instructor

4/11: 1 paragraph project proposal ideal submission (0.5%)
4/13: proposal 1st feedback will be returned
4/15: Detailed proposal description (1%)
4/22: Progress meeting (0.5%)
4/27: Final project presentation and demo (3%)
4/29: Project submission (7%)

The final project can be a 1-2 team project. A large project can have 3 members with a permission.
Game programs using CUDA or Nintendo DS
Architecture: Architecture survey, hardware architecture simulation, related research

Project Report
Please write a report (2-5) pages. The report includes

Examples from the previous semesters: Nintendo DS games: Space ship battle, Painter, CUDA programming. In the presentation, students will select the best project team. There will be a prize for 1st and 2nd team.