I have been fortunate to have my research supported by a variety of
folks over the years.
- NSF INCLUDES DDLP: Diversifying Future Leadership in the
Professoriate in Computing at Research Universities
- EaGER: Computational Thinking Olympiad
- Working Group on (Re)Defining Computing
- HCC: Web Games to Advance Interactive Learning
- Working Group on (Re)Defining Computing
- CPATH EAE: Extending Contextualized Computing in Multiple Institutions Using Threads
- SGER: Persistent, Adaptive, Collaborative Synthespians
- CAREER: Activity Discovery for Programmable & Adaptive
Personalized Environments
- Computer Science Study Panel: Programmable and Adaptive Simulations
and Training Environments
- Integrated Learning: GILA
- Transfer Learning Seedling: Asychronous Reasoning and Learning
- Assist: GroupWear (contributor)
- Integrated Cognitive-Neuroscience Architectures for Understanding
Sensemaking: ICArUS
- Intelligent Tutoring Agents in Adaptive Training Environments
- Interactive Machine Learning for Machine Training
- Advancing Interactive Machine Learning
- ATR Center: Signals to Symbols
- Pilot Program for Computer Science Principles Course
- Integrating Android into CS courses
- Learning the Home Heartbeat
- MEAD: Modeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery, Data Mining and
Machine Learning (contributor)
- Persistent Adaptive Collaborative Agents
- CAREER supplemental
- Start-up