class: center, middle, inverse # Building Algorithms by Playing Games ## Jacob Abernethy - Georgia Tech ### Google Zürich #### July 17, 2018 $$ \def\DD{\mathbf{D}} \def\EE{\mathop{\mathbb{E}}} \def\argmin{\mathop{\arg\min}} \def\argmax{\mathop{\arg\max}} \def\K{\mathcal{K}} \def\reals{\mathbb{R}} \def\reg{\mathcal{R}} \def\areg{\overline{\reg}} $$ --- class: top ## Chess and AI
--- class: top ## A History of Computer Chess
--- class: top ## Monte Carlo Tree Search - Recursively solving an extensive-form game is harddddddd
- MTCS: evaluate a game state by *randomly finishing the game* --- class: top ## Modern Chess and Deep Learning
- Recent methods in chess use deep nets to predict the quality of a game state - They are competitive with state-of-the-art chess engines --- class: top
- Key trick: *self play*! - Can train the "value network" by competing against other algorithms --- class: top ## Algorithms debugging Algorithms - Algorithms some times have bugs - We miss cases, we don't consider unexpected inputs - Trick: design algorithms to act as *adversaries* -- - Modern CS tools already do this + IDEs that look for type issues + Unit testing frameworks + Vulnerability scanning **Key Point**: Some of the best tools in ML reflect this methodology --- class: top ## Introduction to Boosting - Assume we have some dataset $S = \\{(x_1, y_1), \ldots, (x_n,y_n)\\}$. -- - Assume we have some set of *weak learners*, i.e. "stupid predictors", $\mathcal{H}$ a set of functions $\mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{Y}$. + **Weak Learning Condition**: For $\gamma > 0$, have $\forall D \in \Delta(S)\; \exists h \in \mathcal{H}: \quad \text{Pr}_{i \sim D}(h(x_i) = y_i) \geq \frac12 + \gamma$ -- - **Question**: Can we combine weak learners into a *strong* learner? + **Strong Learning Condition**: A weighted average over $h \in \mathcal{H}$ has 0 error. - Freund/Schapire 1996ish: Yes! --- class: top ## Basic Boosting Template - Initialize weights $w_i = 1$ for every data point $(x_i, y_i)$. - Initialize $H = \emptyset$, a "bag of predictors" - For $t=1, \ldots, T$: + Define distribution $D$ via $D(i) = \frac{w_i}{\sum_j w_j}$ + Query *weak learning oracle* to obtain $h$ so that $\text{Pr}_{i \sim D}(h(x_i) = y_i) \geq 1 + \gamma$ + Insert $h$ into $H$ + Update weights, $w_i \leftarrow w_i \beta^{\mathbb{1}[h(x_i) \ne y_i]}$ - Output *strong* predictor: $F_H(x) := \text{MajorityVote}(\\{h(x) : h \in H\\})$ --- class: top ## AdaBoost in Action []( --- class: top ## Boosting via Game Playing?
--- class: top ## Two-player 0-sum game refresher: Rock-Paper-Scissors
- One player chooses a randomized action $i$ - Simultaneously another player chooses a randomize action $j$ -- - Player 1 receives reward $M\_{i,j}$, Player 2 loses $M\_{i,j}$
--- class: top ## von Neumann's Minimax Theorem *Intuition*: When playing a two-player zero-sum game, if both players may choose a randomized strategy, then it really doesn't matter who commits to a strategy first. **Theorem (von Neumann 1928)**: Let $M \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$ be the payoff matrix for a zero-sum game. Then we have
$$\min_{p \in \Delta_n} \max_{q \in \Delta_m} p^\top M q = \max_{q \in \Delta_m} \min_{p \in \Delta_n} p^\top M q $$
Note: $p^\top M q$ is the expected payoff when Player1, Player2 sample actions from $p$, $q$, respectively --- class: top ## Boosting as a game - Given examples $S = (x_1, \ldots, x_n)$ and weak hypotheses $h_1(\cdot), \ldots, h_m(\cdot)$, define matrix $M$ via $$\begin{eqnarray} M[i,j] & := & + 1 \;\quad \text{ if } h_j(x_i) \text{ is correct } \\\\ M[i,j] & := & -1 \; \quad \text{ if } h_j(x_i) \text{ incorrect } \end{eqnarray}$$ -- ### Boosting game - On each round: - data-player chooses distrbution $D$ over dataset - learner-player, aiming to beat data-player, chooses $h(\cdot)$ that ``predicts well'' on $D$ - On next round, data-player updates $D$ to be *even harder* on $h$ - and so on... --- class: top ## Minimax Theorem ==> Boosting - **Weak Learning Hypothesis** states that "on any distr. of data there's a weak hypoth. with better than random accuracy". * WLH *equivalent to*: $\min_p \max_q p^\top M q \geq 2\gamma$ -- - **Strong Learning Hypothesis** states that "there is some mixture of weak hypotheses such that a weighted majority vote of them always predicts correctly". * SLH *equivalent to*: $\max_q \min_p p^\top M q \geq 2\gamma$ -- - Remaining question: how do we find this strong hypothesis? --- class: top ## Detour: Classical Statistical Learning Given unknown distribution on $z \sim D$. I want to "learn" some parameters $\theta \in \Theta$ to minimize a loss objective $\ell(\theta, z)$ (in expect.). I.e., want to find
$$ \theta^* := \arg\min_{\theta \in \Theta} \overbrace{\EE_{z \sim D} [ \ell(\theta, z)]}^{L(\theta)}$$
-- Unfortunately, all I have is a sample $z\_1, \ldots, z\_n$, so all I can do is choose $\hat \theta$ to minimize $\hat L(\theta) := \frac 1 n \sum_{i=1}^n \ell(\theta, z_i)$. *Classical Statistical Learning*: under certain conditions we are guaranteed that $L(\hat \theta) \to L(\theta^*)$ at "a pretty fast rate". --- class: top ## Limitations of Statistical Learning It has become clear that the statistical learning framework has many limitations - Assumes the data is available in advance - Doesn't allow for dynamic learning strategies - Assumes a fixed distribution - Is not necessarily robust to adversarial data --- class: top ## Alternative: Online Learning Framework **Online convex optimization**: - *learner* who chooses actions from compact/convex $K \subset \reals^n$ - For $t=1, \ldots, T$: + learner selects $x_t \in K$ + learner receives convex loss function $\ell_t(\cdot)$ on $K$ + learner pays $\ell_t(x_t)$ - Ultimately, learner wants to minimize *regret*
$$\areg_T := \frac 1 T \left( \sum_{t=1}^{T} \ell_{t}(x_{t}) - \min_{x \in K} \sum_{t=1}^T \ell_t(x) \right) $$
- **Goal: No Regret!** Possible to design alg. so $\areg_T \to 0$? --- class: top ## Minimax Thm via Online Learning (1) **Amazing:** Existence of no-regret alg implies Minimax Theorem! - Let's prove a *harder* version of the minimax theorem. - let $g(x,y)$ be convex in vector $x$ and concave in vector $y$ - **Von Neumann Generalized**: $\min_x \max_y g(x,y) = \max_y \min_x g(x,y)$ -- *Note:* We prove "hard" part, $\min_x \max_y g(x,y) \leq \max_y \min_x g(x,y)$: - Let both players choose $x_t$, $y_t$ in sequence - Players will update strategies by *learning* via Online Convex Opt. - The $x$-player's seq. of loss fn's is $g(\cdot, y_1), g(\cdot,y_2), \ldots$ - The $y$-player's seq. of loss fn's is $-g(x_1, \cdot), -g(x_2,\cdot), \ldots$ --- class: top ## Minimax Thm via Online Learning (2) Let's assume the $x$-player can guarantee $\areg_T^x = o(1)$. Then --
$$ \begin{eqnarray*} \textstyle \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T g(x_t, y_t) \; = \; \textstyle \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T \ell_t(x_t) & = & \textstyle \min_{x} \left[ \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T \ell_t(x) \right] + \areg_T^x \\\\ & =& \textstyle \min_{x} \left[ \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T g(x, y_t) \right] + \areg_T^x \\\\ & \leq & \min_{x} g\left(x,{ \textstyle \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T y_t}\right) + \areg_T^x \\\\ & \leq & \max_{y} \min_{x} g(x,y) + \areg_T^x \end{eqnarray*} $$
--- class: top ## Minimax Thm via Online Learning (3) Can apply same to $y$-player! Notice
$$ \begin{eqnarray*} \textstyle \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T g(x_t, y_t) & \geq & \textstyle \max_{y} g\left({ \textstyle \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T x_t}, y\right) - \areg_T^y \\\\ & \geq & \textstyle \min_{x} \max_{y} g\left(x, y\right) - \areg_T^y \end{eqnarray*} $$
$$ \min_{x} \max_{y} g\left(x, y\right) - \areg_T^y \leq \max_{y} \min_{x} g(x,y) + \areg_T^x $$
Recall: we can make $T \to \infty$ and send $\areg_T^x + \areg_T^y \to 0$ --- class: top ## This Proof Leads to an Algorithm Let $\epsilon_T := \areg_T^x + \areg_T^y$. Let $V^*$ be OPT value of game. We showed:
$$ \begin{eqnarray*} \max_{y} g( \overbrace{ \textstyle \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T x_t}^{\text{Avg. action } \bar{x}_T} , y) & \leq & V^* + \epsilon_T \\ \min_{x} g(x, \underbrace{\textstyle \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T y_t}_{\text{Avg. action } \bar{y}_T} ) & \geq & V^* - \epsilon_T \end{eqnarray*} $$
- In other words, we extracted $\epsilon_T$-almost optimal solutions to the game - How? Observe each alg's decisions, $x_1, x_2, \ldots$'s and $y_1, y_2, \ldots$'s, and *take the average*! --- class: top ## What's the Best OCO Algorithm? - What algorithms minimize regret? Depends on the setting. -- 1. When $x \in \Delta\_n$, $\ell\_t(x) = l\_t^\top x$ (linear loss), $\\|l\_t\\|\_\infty \leq 1$, then: - **Exponential Weights Algorithm**: $x_{t+1}[i] = \frac{x_t[i]\exp(-\eta l_t[i])}{Z_t}$ - Can guarantee: $\areg_T = O\left( \sqrt{\frac{\log n}{T}} \right)$ -- 1. When $x \in L_2\text{-ball}$, $\ell_t(x)$ convex and $C$-lipschitz, then: - **Gradient Descent Algorithm**: $x_{t+1} = x_t - \eta \nabla \ell_t(x_t)$ - Can guarantee: $\areg_T = O\left( \sqrt{\frac{C^2 \\|x^*\\|^2}{T}} \right)$ - Logistical problem: update $x_t - \eta \nabla \ell_t(x_t)$ may violate constraints! Need to do projection :-( --- class: top ## Key Facts of Online Learning - OCO algorithms must manage tradeoff between "respond to data" and "remain stable" - The simplest algorithm one might try: **Follow The Leader** + FTL: $x\_{t+1} := \arg\min\_x \sum\_{s=1}^t \ell\_s(x)$ - In general, doesn't work! + Can show $\areg\_T(\text{FTL}) = \Theta(1)$. - **However** can show FTL works great when $\ell\_t(\cdot)$ are *strongly convex*, i.e. "suitably curved". + FTL with strong convexity $\implies \areg\_T(\text{FTL}) = O\left(\frac{\log T}{T}\right)$ --- class: top ## Boosting via online learning, revisited - We can reformulate the Boosting algorithm now as + The data-player updates $D$ using *Exponential Weights Algorithm* + The learner-player chooses $h(\cdot)$ using *Best Response Algorithm* + (Note: BestResponse isn't quite a learning algorithm, but it is allowed within this framework, and has $\areg_T \leq 0$!) -- - There is a cottage industry on designing new Boosting algorithms that tinker with the above formulation (see recent book of Schapire and Freund) --- class: middle # Application 1: ## Generative Methods via Deep Learning --- class: top ## Generative Models via Deep Learning - Classifying data is great but... what about generating data? - There's been a lot of work on estimating density functions + e.g. (gaussian) kernel density estimation - But what about just generating high-dimensional data? - Recent success of deep learning: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) --- class: top ## GANs are Cool (1)
--- class: top ## GANs are Cool (2)
--- class: top ## Minimax formulation of GAN - We imagine a *generator* is a generating process $G\_u(\cdot)$, parameterized by $u \in \mathcal{U}$, that receives a random seed $z$ (perhaps $\sim N(0, I)$), and outputs $G\_u(z)$ - We imagine a *discriminator* is some predictive classifier $D\_v(\cdot)$, parameterized by $v \in \mathcal{V}$, that receives an observation $x$ and outputs a probability that $x$ is *generated* vs. *real* - Objective of a discriminator vs. a generator:
$$ g(u,v) = \EE_{x \sim \text{Real}}[\log D_v(x)] + \EE_{x \sim G_u}[\log(1 - D_v(x))] $$
The minimax GAN objective:
$$ \min_{u \in \mathcal{U}} \max_{v \in \mathcal{V}} g(u,v) $$
--- class: top ## An Online Learning Perspective of GANs #### Kodali, A., Kira, Hayes: "How to Train Your DRAGAN" (Arxiv) - The minimax formulation of GANs immediately suggests an online learning-style analysis - Major problem is non-convexity of both players - Modified objective function is empirically more robust against undesirable local minima --- class: top ## DRAGAN Results
--- class: middle # Application 2: ##A New Perspective on Iterative Optimization --- class: top ## Vanilla Optimization In a typical optimization problem, I'm given a constraint set $\K$ and a (possibly-convex) optimization objective $f(x)$ and I want to solve
$$ \min_{x \in \K} f(x) $$
Let $x^\*$ be the minimizer of the above. Then a typical strategy is to sequentially choose iterates $x_0, x_1, x_2, \ldots$ so that $x_T$ is "close to optimal". $$ \text{Approximation error:} \quad \quad f(x_T) - f(x^*) $$ --- class: top ## Trivial Reduction: Optimization ==> Online Learning - Define an OCO problem where $\ell_t(\cdot) := f(\cdot)$ + i.e. loss functions don't change! - Perform "training" to obtain a sequence of $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_T$ + Use gradient descent (or any "good" algorithm) + Assume regret $\areg_T$ is vanishing - Compute average $\bar{x}\_T := \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T x_t$. - Using Jensen's inequality, we have:
$$ \begin{eqnarray*} f(\bar{x}_T) & \leq & \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T f(x_t) = \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T \ell_t(x_t) \\ & \leq & \frac 1 T \sum_{t=1}^T \ell_t(x^*) + \areg_T = f(x^*) + \areg_T \end{eqnarray*} $$
--- class: top ## Reduction Not Ideal - The above reduction relies on an efficient OCO algorithm - Even regret $\areg_T = O(T^{-1/2})$ not great + Many optimization problems admit rates of $O(1/T), O(1/T^2)$, sometimes even $O(\exp(-T))$! - Gradient descent, for example, requires ability to *project* iterates into feasible set - Often, the projection step is *just as hard* as solving original problem --- class: top ### Frank-Wolfe (1956) -- Rate: $O(1/T)$ - Initialize: $z_1 \in \K$ - For $t=1, \ldots, T$: + Compute gradient: $x_t = \nabla f(z_t)$ + Call LinOpt: $y\_t = \arg\min\_{y \in \K} \langle x\_t, y \rangle$ + Update: $z\_{t+1} = (1-\gamma\_t) z\_t + \gamma\_t y\_t$ - Return $z\_T$ ### Heavy-Ball (1964) -- Rate: $O(1/T)$ - Initialize: $z_0 \in \K$ - For $t=1, \ldots, T$: + $x\_{t+1} = x\_t - \alpha \nabla f(x\_t) + \beta (x\_t - x\_{t-1})$ - Return $x\_T$ --- class: top ## Can we do better than $O(1/T)$ For the longest time, it was believed that a $O(1/T)$ rate was the best possible. Then Nesterov published a huge result: ### Nesterov Acceleration (1983) -- Rate: $O(1/T^2)$ - Initialize: $z_0 \in \K$ - For $t=1, \ldots, T$: + $w\_t = z\_{t-1} - \theta \nabla f(z\_{t-1})$ + $z\_{t} = w\_t + \frac{t-1}{t+2}(w\_t - w\_{t-1})$ - Return $w\_T$ Big question: why does this have such a fast rate? What's going on? --- class: top ## Recent work: All Algorithms are Game Playing Let me discuss some recent with two of my students, Jun-Kun Wang and Kevin Lai (with additional help from Kfir Levy at EPFL) -- #### A. and Wang -- NIPS 2017 **Result**: Frank-Wolfe can be viewed as the result of iterative updates in a two player zero-sum game -- #### A., Lai, Levy, Wang -- COLT 2018 #### Wang, A. --- NIPS 2018 (in submission) **Result**: Heavy-Ball and Nesterov Acceleration can be viewed in *exactly the same way*!! --- class: top ## Fenchel Duality - What is implicitly the 0-sum game that describes all of these? -- - We need to define the *Fenchel Conjugate* of a convex function
$$ \text{Fenchel conj. of $f$ is } \; \; f^*(\theta) := \sup_{x} \left\{ \theta^\top x - f(x) \right\} $$
-- - For a strictly convex and smooth function, one nice interpretation of $f^\*$ is via the *gradient map* + If we think of $\nabla f$ as mapping points $x \mapsto \nabla f(x)$, then $f^\*$ is the *unique* function (up to add. constants) whose derivative inverts this mapping! + That is, $(\nabla f (\cdot))^{-1} = \nabla f^*(\cdot)$ --- class: top ## Game theory view of optimization - Define the Fenchel Game as $$ g(x,y) := f^*(x) - x^\top y. $$ - The **Frank-Wolfe** algorithm is: + $y$ player plays FollowTheLeader + $x$ player plays BestResponse - The **Heavy Ball** algorithm is: + $y$ player plays FollowTheLeader + $x$ player plays GradientDescent - The **Nesterov Acceleration** algorithm is: + $y$ player plays OptimisticFollowTheLeader + $x$ player plays GradientDescent Rates follow from mostly simple bounds on the regret of each player. --- class: middle
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