class: center, middle, inverse # Online Learning, Regret, and Finance ## Jacob Abernethy - Georgia Tech ### Two Sigma -- New York, NY #### March 22, 2018 $$ \def\DD{\mathbf{D}} \def\EE{\mathop{\mathbb{E}}} \def\argmin{\mathop{\arg\min}} \def\argmax{\mathop{\arg\max}} \def\K{\mathcal{K}} \def\reals{\mathbb{R}} \def\reg{\mathcal{R}} \def\areg{\overline{\reg}} $$ --- class: top ## Background on my interests + Started research in Machine Learning in 2004 + Around the same time, got obsessed with poker + Wanted to understand the dynamics of learning in adversarial environments + Worked at a hedge fund for 1.5 years when I started grad school at Berkeley + My NSF CAREER proposal was on understanding learning through the context of markets, microeconomics, and finance --- class: top ## Today's Talk + Basic model of prediction with expert advice + A couple of gambling/investing scenarios * Binary options * Universal Constant Rebalanced Portfolios + Online Convex Optimization * Regret * Algorithms + Option Pricing in the worst case --- class: top ## Prediction with Expert Advice: Basic Template + Imagine you have a set of $N$ **stock experts** + Some might be **adversarial**! + Model assumption: there is a **perfect expert** who doesn't lie + Often referred to as "noise-free" or "realizable" setting -- + On each day $t=1,2,3,\ldots$: + Each expert predicts whether stock will go **up** or **down** + Taking their advice, you predict **buy** or **sell** + You then learn true outcome, and **lose** or **gain** $1 -- + **Questions**: + What is the best algorithm? + How does it perform *in the worst case?* + I.e., how many *mistakes* before best expert is located? --- class: top ## Prediction with Expert Advice: Basic Template **Answers**: -- + With $N$ experts, easy to show upper bound of $N-1$ mistakes -- + Best upper bound is $\log_2 N$! -- + Use the **Halving Algorithm**: + Always maintain the pool $S$ of "unmistaken experts thus far" + Follow the *majority vote* of $S$ + **Key Observation**: whenever **you** make a mistake, then **more than half** of $S$ was wrong, so $S$ shrinks by at least a factor of $\frac12$! Can only happen $\log_2 N$ times! --- class: top ## Prediction with Expert Advice: Advanced Version + The "perfect expert" assumption is too strong + Now assume that there is a "pretty good expert" + This decent expert makes no more than $L$ mistakes + Other experts may still be adversarial! -- **Exponential Weights Algorithm** (effectively the best possible): + On each round, each expert $i$ is assigned a *weight* $w_i$:
$$ w_i := e^{-\eta \cdot \sharp \text{mistakes}(i)}, \quad \quad \quad \text{where } \eta > 0 \text{ a param.} $$
-- + The learner combines advice by making a *randomized* prediction according to *weighted majority vote*! + The parameter $\eta$ does need to be tuned appropriately --- class: top ## Prediction with Expert Advice: Advanced Version + It can be shown that the Exponential Weights Algorithm (EWA) is essentially the best possible + Even against the worst adversary, it performs optimally **Theorem:** If the best expert makes fewer than $L$ mistakes, then the *expected* number of mistakes of EWA satisfies:
$$ \text{Num. Mistakes EWA} \leq L + \sqrt{2 L \ln N} + \log_2 N $$
-- Notice that the "regret" of using EWA (versus knowing the best expert), is only $\sqrt{2 L \ln N} + \log_2 N$. This quantity, when *averaged over time* is certainly going to 0! This is known as "vanishing regret". --- class: top ## Core idea here: **Learning** with Adversarial Data + The framework described above allows for an *arbitrary* sequence of input data -- + The mistake guarantee made no "model assumptions" other than *there is at least one good expert* -- + In this context, we can still define what "learning" means: + *perform well **relative** to some **benchmark** strategy* -- + Confession: several research communities find this conceptual framework difficult to swallow + BUT it is an excellent starting point for the finance world --- class: top ## Aside: Market Maker Choosing Bid-Ask Spread * A market maker sets bid/ask prices in a market * Can react to market data, i.e. volatility and transaction volume * How to set the bid-ask spread to optimize wealth but be robust to major price swings? -- **Abernethy/Kale 2013**: Can use an exponential-weights style algorithm that competes with the best hindsight bid-ask spread, and minimizes the transaction costs associated with inventory management. Key point: does not rely on stochastic assumptions about the sequence of trades! --- class:top ## A Simple Gambling Problem + Given a sequence of **binary option** bets, with outcomes $y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_T \in \\{ -1 , 1\\}$ + On each day can go long/short up to one unit of currency; bet on round $t$ is $x_t \in [-1, 1]$ + Want to do well relative to *two benchmark strategies*: + (a) always go long + (b) always go short + Objective is the difference between gain of best reference strategy, and the algorithm's performance:
$$\max_{x^* \in \{-1,1\}} \sum_{t=1}^T y_t x^* - \sum_{t=1}^T y_t x_t$$
--- class: top ## A Harder Gambling Problem: Betting on CRPs + You are given $n$ assets, with a fluctuating price * On round $t$, asset $i$ multiplicatively changes by $r_i^t$, so
$$ \text{Price}_i^{t+1} = \text{Price}_i^t (1+r_i^t) $$
+ A *Constant Rebalanced Portfolio* (CRP) is a fixed asset distribution $\mathbf{w} \in \Delta_n$, where after each period the investor rebalances to $\mathbf{w}$. Earnings of this CRP $\mathbf{w}$ are
$$\max_{\text{portfolios } \mathbf{w} \in \Delta_n} \prod_{t=1}^T (1 + \mathbf{w}\cdot \mathbf{r}^t)$$
+ An *adaptive portfolio* is a changing $\mathbf{w}^1, \mathbf{w}^2, \ldots$, where investor rebalances to $\mathbf{w}^t$ on round $t$. Earnings are $\prod_{t=1}^T (1 + \mathbf{w}^t \cdot \mathbf{r}^t)$. --- class: top ## A Harder Gambling Problem: Betting on CRPs **Question**: Can we *compete with* the best CRP? Can we earn just as much money as if we knew in advance the best fixed portfolio? In other words, we want to choose an adaptive portfolio $\\{\mathbf{w}^t: t=1, 2, \ldots\\}$ to minimize the following:
$$ \text{LogWealthRatio} := \max_{\mathbf{w} \in \Delta_n} \sum_{t=1}^T \log (1 + \mathbf{w}\cdot \mathbf{r}^t) - \sum_{t=1}^T \log (1 + \mathbf{w}^t \cdot \mathbf{r}^t)$$
**Theorem** (Cover/Ordentlich 1996): There exists an adaptive "Universal" portfolio that competes with the best CRP for *any* sequence of price fluctuations, where $$ \text{LogWealthRatio} \leq O(n \log T) $$ --- class: top ## A Harder Gambling Problem: Betting on CRPs What is this magical adaptive Universal portfolio? It is + Easy to describe + Known to be the "best possible" + Challenging to implement -- **Universal**: Buy-and-Hold a uniform investment in *every* CRP, but continue to re-balance within each of these infinitesimally-small portfolios. -- Applying this strategy is non-trivial. There has been a lot of work trying to find efficient implementations. --- class: top ## Master Template: Online Learning Framework **Online convex optimization**: - *learner* who chooses actions from compact/convex $K \subset \reals^n$ -- - For $t=1, \ldots, T$: + learner selects $x_t \in K$ + learner receives convex loss function $\ell_t(\cdot)$ on $K$ + learner pays $\ell_t(x_t)$ -- **Example**: - $K$ is the portfolio simplex $\Delta_n$ - $\mathbf{x}_t$ is the adaptive portfolio on round $t$ - $\ell_t(\mathbf{x}_t) := -\log(1 + \mathbf{x}^t \cdot \mathbf{r}^t)$, the log wealth change on round $t$ --- class: top ## Master Template: Online Learning Framework - For $t=1, \ldots, T$: + learner selects $x_t \in K$ + learner receives convex loss function $\ell_t(\cdot)$ on $K$ + learner pays $\ell_t(x_t)$ -- - **OCO Goal:** learner wants to minimize *regret*
$$\reg_T := \sum_{t=1}^{T} \ell_{t}(x_{t}) - \min_{x \in K} \sum_{t=1}^T \ell_t(x) $$
- Possible to design alg. so $\frac 1 T \reg_T \to 0$? --- class: top ## What's the Best OCO Algorithm? - What algorithms minimize regret? Depends on the setting. -- 1. When $x \in \Delta\_n$, $\ell\_t(x) = l\_t^\top x$ (linear loss), $\\|l\_t\\|\_\infty \leq 1$, then: - **Exponential Weights Algorithm**: $x_{t+1}[i] = \frac{x_t[i]\exp(-\eta l_t[i])}{Z_t}$ - Can guarantee: $\reg_T = O\left( \sqrt{T\log n} \right)$ -- 1. When $x \in L_2\text{-ball}$, $\ell_t(x)$ convex and $C$-lipschitz, then: - **Gradient Descent Algorithm**: $x_{t+1} = x_t - \eta \nabla \ell_t(x_t)$ - Can guarantee: $\reg_T = O\left( \sqrt{T \\|x^*\\|^2} \right)$ - Logistical problem: update $x_t - \eta \nabla \ell_t(x_t)$ may violate constraints! Need to do projection :-( --- class: top ## Core OCO Algorithm: Follow the Regularized Leader - OCO algorithms must manage tradeoff between "respond to data" and "remain stable" - Classical algorithm: **Follow The Reguarlized Leader** (FTRL) $$x\_{t+1} := \arg\min\_x \sum\_{s=1}^t \ell\_s(x) + \frac{1}{\eta} R(x)$$ - Typically we select $R(\cdot)$ as some strongly convex function -- This generalizes the two algorithms on the previous slide! + **Exponential Weights Algorithm** is simply FTRL with $R(x) = \sum_i x_i \log x_i$ + **Gradient Descent Algorithm** is simply FTRL with $R(x) = \\|x\\|^2$ --- class: top ## Alternative OCO Alg.: Follow the PERTURBED Leader - Sometimes we might want to produce a *random* action on round $t$ - This can be more efficient method, can rely solely on a linear optimization - **Follow The Perturbed Leader** (FTPL) + Sample a random vector $Z \sim D$ from some distribution $D$ $$x\_{t+1} := \arg\min\_{x \in K} \sum\_{s=1}^t \ell\_s(x) + \frac{1}{\eta} Z\cdot x$$ - Generally this works best when $\ell_t(\cdot)$'s are linear -- - **Kalai/Vempala** proved a generic regret bound for FTPL in 2003 - My student **Chansoo Lee** wrote his thesis on perturbation methods --- class: top ## Alternative OCO Alg.: Follow the PERTURBED Leader It turns out that the **Exponential Weights Algorithm** can be framed in this way! Two equivalent formulations: - Sample $I$ with probability proportional to $\exp(-\eta L_i)$ - Sample $I$ as the argmax of $-\eta L_i + Z_i$, where $Z_i$ is an IID gumble-distributed random variable - These are the same algorithm! --- class:top ## REVISITING: A Simple Gambling Problem + Given a sequence of **binary option** bets, with outcomes $y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_T \in \\{ -1 , 1\\}$. Gambler can go long/short up to one unit of currency; bet on round $t$ is $x_t \in [-1, 1]$ + Want to perform well vs. *always long* or *always short*:
$$\max_{x^* \in \{-1,1\}} \sum_{t=1}^T y_t x^* - \sum_{t=1}^T y_t x_t$$
-- **Cover 1970s**: The optimal betting scheme on round $t$ is to *randomize* the future outcomes $Y\_{t}, Y\_{t+1}, \ldots, Y\_{T+1}$ via coin tosses, and then
$$x_t = \text{sign}(y_1 + \ldots + y_{t-1} + Y_t + \ldots + Y_T )$$
-- **Note**: The above perturbation method is "transaction cost efficient!" Can involve many fewer trades when $Y\_{t}$'s sampled only once. --- class:top ## A Perturbation View of Option Pricing .left-column70[ * .paper[Black, Scholes 1973] showed that price of options and other "derivatives" can be determined via "hedging strategies". Requires stock price fluctuates according to a *geometric Brownian motion* (GBM)! * .paper[DeMarzo, Kremer, Mansour, 2006] developed worst-case methods for hedging options using regret-minimization techniques. * .paper[A., Frongillo, Wibisono 2012] showed that under a minimax perspective the worst-case strategy for Nature is GBM. * .paper[A., Bartlett, Frongillo, Wibisono 2013] showed that OPT strategy is **exactly** with Black&Scholes delta-hedging. ] .right-column30[
] --- class: top ## Brief Overview of Black&Scholes Option Pricing * An asset $A$ (stock, bond, etc.) has a price process $S(t)$. * An option on $A$ has **expiration** $T$ and **strike price** $k$. These determine the **payout** function $\rho(S; k, T)$. For a "European call",
$$ \rho(S; k, T) = \max(0, S(T) - k). $$
* Black-Scholes assumes price $S(t)$ "wiggles" via *geometric Brownian motion* (GBM); i.e. $\log S(t) \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_0 + t\mu, t\sigma^2)$.
--- class: top ## Option Pricing via Stochastic Calculus BS model assumes we can **hedge** option risk by trading underlying asset $A$. Gives a **value** for the option, the "fixed cost" of hedging. * Option value is func. $f(S, t)$; certainly $f(S,T) = \rho(S; k, T)$. * The Option owner holds portfolio $\Delta(S,t) := \frac{\partial f}{\partial S} dS$ * Using Ito's Lemma, and assuming we can hedge all risk:
$$df(S,t) = \frac{\partial f}{\partial t} dt + \frac12 \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial S^2}S^2 dt + \frac{\partial f}{\partial S} dS = \frac{\partial f}{\partial S} dS$$
* Gives rise to the Black-Scholes diff. eqn., and the solution
$$\frac{\partial f}{\partial t} dt + \frac12 \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial S^2}S^2 dt = 0 \implies f(S,t) \equiv \EE_{S \sim \text{GBM}}[\rho(S(T); k,T)]$$
* Final price $S(T)$ is chosen by "finishing" the GBM process. --- class: top ## An Alternative Perspective via Online Learning * Let's treat the option pricing problem as a repeated game between **Nature** and **Hedger** (a la .paper[DeMarzo, Kremer, Mansour 2006]) -- * Pick discretization level $n$. -- * **For** $i=1,2,\ldots, Tn$: * **Hedger** chooses $\delta_i \in \mathbb{R}$ * **Nature** chooses price update $S(i/n)$ (with constraints!) * **Hedger** gains (or loses) the amount $ \left(\frac{S(i/n)}{S((i-1)/n)} - 1 \right)\delta_i$ -- * The final **minimax regret** of the hedging game
$$ \inf_{\text{Algs } \; \mathcal{A}} \sup_{\text{Price paths } S} \;\; \rho(S(T)) - \sum_{i=1}^{Tn} \left(\frac{S(i/n)}{S((i-1)/n)} - 1 \right)\delta_i $$
* In other words, it's the worst-case difference between the option payout and the hedger's gains/losses --- class: top ## Minimax Option Pricing $\equiv$ Black-Scholes * .paper[A., Frongillo, Wibisono 2012]: Under appropriate constraints on Nature, this option pricing game gives rise to the same valuation! -- * That is, as discretization $n\to \infty$,
$$ \underbrace{\inf_{\mathcal{A}} \sup_{S} \;\; \rho(S(T)) - \sum_{i=1}^{Tn} \left(\frac{S(i/n)}{S((i-1)/n)} - 1 \right)\delta_i}_{\text{Minimax hedging regret}} \rightarrow \underbrace{\EE_{S \sim \text{GBM}}[\rho(S(T))]}_{\text{Black/Scholes value}} $$
-- * Achieved by showing that worst-case price process indeed converges to GBM! * Hence GBM is a consequence, not an assumption, of the model * .paper[A., Bartlett, Frongillo, Wibisono 2013]: the optimal player strategy for choosing $\delta_i$ converges to the Black-Scholes hedging strategy --- layout: true class: top ## Option Pricing is a Perturbation Method * A stock price has fluctuated over time * How should we hedge an option given strick price $k$, remaining time $T-t$, and current price $S(t)$? ---
* The minimax optimal hedging strategy says: sample the remaining price path (according to GBM) and buy a share of $A$ if the price falls above the strike price, and otherwise don't buy. --- layout: false class: middle
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