The Computer Graphics course prepares students for activities involving the design, development, and testing of modeling, rendering,
and animation solutions to a broad variety of problems found in entertainment, sciences, and engineering.
Students learn: (1) how to develop interactive programs that use effectively the graphics functionalities available in contemporary personal computers,
(2) the fundamental principles and technologies upon which these functionalities, and possibly their future evolutions, are based, and
(3) the skills for designing and implementing practical graphic solutions to challenging problems in different application domains.
The course is organized as a series of short modules of about one week each. These are listed below, along with the learning objectives, course slides, reading and support material,
videos, and interactive demo applets provided to the students, projects, and samples of exam questions.
The knowledge acquired in each module will be tested through short quizzes, through projects, and through exams.
Projects typically involve: additional reading; finding, developing and checking mathematical
and algorithmic solutions; software design, implementation, and testing; writing a report; and posting online a project web page with an interactive applet,
the source code, and the report.
Some projects will be individual, others will encourage collaboration in small teams of 2 or 3.
What students must remember, the projects, additional reading assignments, and the grading pplicy are
different for graduate and undergraduate versions of this course. They are detailed in separate course pages:
CS3451 and