Michael Donald Bailey

Professor and School Chair
School of Cybersecurity and Privacy (SCP)
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology

About Me

I am currently the department chair of the School of Cybersecurity and Privacy (SCP) at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Until recently I was part of a large cohort of faculty, staff, and students at UIUC that do great work in security called the Security and Privacy Research Group at Illinois (SPR@I).

If you are interested in what I have done professionally, you are welcome to read my CV.


As the inaugural chair, I do not currently teach courses at GaTech, as I am busy working with the faculty and staff to create new undergraduate threads, expand our professsional masters program, and explore a new Cybersecurity and Privacy Ph.D.. Last year SCP added some amazing courses including: The Psychology of Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructures Security and Resilience, and Security Operations and Incident Response. Much much more to come.

UPDATE: I am teaching again! Super pumped to be teaching with the really awesome Ryan Shandler:

In the past I have taught a variety of systems classes including Operating Systems, Networking, Distributed Systems, and Security. The most recent classes included:


Before coming to GaTech, I was blessed to have had an incredible cohort of UIUC Ph.D. students who have graduated and moved on to do some amazing things:

I was super grateful to have had the chance to work with Dr. Joshua Mason while at UIUC.

At Michigan, I had an opportunity to co-advise (as research faculty), several amazing students:


My interets lie in exploring the security, performance, and availability properties of computing systems. My work seeks to both inform the development of these systems to address immediate, important societal problems as well as to fundementially enhance our understanding of the sciences underlying computing subfields including computer systems organization, networks, and security and privacy.


(my Google Scholar Citations)

Contact Information


mbailey AT gatech DOT edu

U.S. Mail Address:

756 West Peachtree Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30308-4016