CS 2200

CS 2200 Intro to Systems and Networks
Project 2 - LC-2200-32 Processor Reference Manual

This document describes the LC-2200-32 processor enhanced with interrupt support instructions, and the FSM for its implementation. This manual assumes you have familiarity with the LC-2200 datapath.

  1. The Instruction Set
  2. The Datapath
  3. The FSM ROM
  4. Interrupts Support
    1. Memory-Mappings
    2. Hardware Timer

The Instruction Set (enhanced with Interrupt support)

The LC-2200-32 is a 32-bit computer with 16 general registers plus a
separate program counter (PC) register.  All addresses are word addresses.
Register 0 is wired to zero: it always reads as zero and writes to it
are ignored.

                          Instruction Formats
There are five instruction formats.  Bit 0 is the least-significant:

R-type instructions (add,nand):
 bits 31-28: opcode
 bits 27-24: reg A
 bits 23-20: reg B
 bits 19-4:  unused (should be all 0s)
 bits 3-0:   reg DST

I-type instructions (addi, lw, sw, beq):
 bits 31-28: opcode
 bits 27-24: reg A
 bits 23-20: reg B
 bits 19-0:  OFFSET (a 20-bit, 2s complement number with a range
                     of -524288 to +524287

J-type instructions (jalr):
 bits 31-28: opcode
 bits 27-24: reg A
 bits 23-20: reg B
 bits 19-0:  unused (should be all 0s)

O-type instructions (halt, ei, di, reti):
 bits 31-28: opcode
 bits 27-0:  unused (should be all 0s)

                         Register Convention
Registers indicated with a '$' sign.  The register names in assembly
are according to their use in the assembly convention:

regno   name                      use                  callee-save
-----   ----            -------------------------      -----------
  0     $zero           always zero (by hardware)         n.a.
  1     $at             reserved for assembler            n.a.
  2     $v0             return value                      no
  3     $a0             argument or temporary             no
  4     $a1             argument or temporary             no
  5     $a2             argument or temporary             no
  6     $a3             argument or temporary             no
  7     $a4             argument or temporary             no
  8     $s0             saved register                    YES
  9     $s1             saved register                    YES
 10     $s2             saved register                    YES
 11     $s3             saved register                    YES
 12     $k0             reserved for OS/traps             n.a.
 13     $sp             stack pointer                     YES
 14     $fp             frame pointer                     YES
 15     $ra             return address                    YES

                    Instruction Semantics
Assembly language       Opcode in binary      Action
name for instruction    (bits 31/30/29/28)
add (R-type format)       0000      add contents of A with
  ex: add $v0, $a0, $a1             contents of B, store results in
                                    DST.  Ex: $v0 := $a0 + $a1

nand (R-type format)      0001      nand contents of A with
  ex: nand $v0, $a0, $a1            contents of B, store results in
                                    DST.  Ex: $v0 := ~($a0 + $a1)

addi (I-type format)      0010      Add OFFSET to the contents of A
  ex: addi $v0, $a0, 25             and store the result in B.
                                    Ex:  $v0 := $a0 + 25

lw (I-type format)        0011      load B from memory.  The memory
  ex: lw $v0, 0x42($fp)             address is formed by adding
                                    OFFSET to the contents of A.
                                    Ex: $v0 := memory[$fp + 0x42]

sw (I-type format)        0100      store B into memory. The memory
  ex: sw $a0, 0x42($fp)             address is formed by adding
                                    OFFSET to the contents of A.
                                    Ex: memory[$fp + 0x42] := $a0

beq (I-type format)       0101      compare the contents of A and B.
  ex: beq $a0, $a1, done            If they are the same, then
                                    branch to the address
                                    PC+1+OFFSET, where PC is the
                                    address of the beq instruction.
                                    Ex: if ($a0 == $a1)
                                           PC := (PC+1)+OFFSET

                                            *** NOTE ***

                                    For programmer convenience (and
                                    implementor confusion), the
                                    assembler *computes* the OFFSET
                                    value from the number or symbol
                                    given in the instruction and the
                                    assemblers idea of the PC.  In the
                                    example, the assembler stores
                                    done-(PC+1) in OFFSET so that
                                    the machine will branch to label
                                    "done" at run time.

jalr (J-type format)      0110      First store PC+1 into B,
  ex: jalr $at, $ra                 where PC is the address of the
                                    jalr instruction.  Then branch to
                                    the address now contained in A.
                                    Note that if A is the same as B,
                                    the processor will first store
                                    PC+1 into that register, then end
                                    up branching to PC+1.
                                    Ex: $ra := PC+1; PC := $a0

halt (O-type format)      0111      halt the machine:  i.e. do nothing
  ex: halt                          and let the simulator notice that
                                    the machine halted.

ei (O-type format)        1010      enable interrupts
  ex: ei

di (O-type format)        1011      disable interrupts
  ex: di

reti (O-type format)      1100      return from interrupt by loading address
  ex: reti                          stored in $k0 into the PC and then
                                    enabling interrupts

----Assembler Directives----

noop (pseudo-op)          n.a.      No operation: does nothing (actually
  ex: noop                          Emits "add $zero, $zero, $zero")

.word (pseudo-op)         n.a.      fill word with a value.
  ex: .word  32                     Ex: fill the current location
                                    with the 32-bit represenation of
                                    the number "32".

The Datapath

The following is a diagram of the LC-2200-32 datapath.

The meaning of each signal is defined in the FSM ROM section below.

A description of each datapath component follows.

Interrupts Support

Some items mentioned in this section are not implemented yet. The implementation is part of your assignment for this project.

  1. Memory-Mappings
  2. Hardware Timer


For the purposes of this assignment, we have chosen to keep the interrupt vector table to be located at address 0x00000000 and has a length of 16. Program memory starts at 0x00000010.

Hardware Time

The hardware timer will fire every so often. You should configure it as device 0; it should place the assigned index (its driver is located on the vector table) onto the bus when it receives an IntAck signal from the processor.

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