Picture of Rich

Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.

Professor Emeritus, College of Computing

Georgia Institute of Technology

Contact Information:

Office: Klaus 2320

Mailing address:
College of Computing
266 Ferst Drive
Georgia Tech
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0765

Phone: 404-894-9761  (I am not at this number very often; e-mail is a much better way to reach me.)
E-mail:  Rich LeBlanc

Current Professional Activities

I am currently teaching part-time for the College of Computing and serving as a consultant to the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate of the National Science Foundation.

I am a member of the Education Council of the ACM.  Representing ACM, I was Co-Chair of the SE2004 Steering Committee.  This committee directed an international effort to produce curriculum guidelines for software engineering undergraduate degree programs.  (Clink on the SE2004 link to access the curriculum volume produced by this project.)  I remain involved in assessing the use and impact of the SE2004 volume.

A PowerPoint presentation about the computing curricula guidelines is available here.


Recently offered and current courses:

      Fall 2006
CS 4240 (Compilers and Interpreters)
      Spring 2007
CS 4911 (Design Project)
      Fall 2007 CS 4911 (Design Project)

I am a strong supporter of the international study opportunities offered by the College of Computing.  I was heavily involved in the creation of the summer study abroad program that we offer in Barcelona, now one of my favorite cities.  I was an instructor in Barcelona in 1999 (the first year) and 2004.  I have lots of pictures of Barcelona and nearby places, but the virtual tour provided by virtourist.com is a much better way to learn about the city.

Recent Publications

Timothy C. Lethbridge, Jorge Díaz-Herrera, Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. and J. Barrie Thompson, "Improving software practive through education: Challenges and future trends," Future of Software Engineering track of the Proc. of the 29th Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007).

Computing Curricula 2005: The Overview Report, A Volume in the Computing Curricula Series, with Russell Shackelford, Andrew McGettrick, Robert Sloan, Heikki Topi, Gordon Davies, Reza Kamali, James Cross, John Impagliazzo, Barry Lunt.  The Association for Computing Machinery, The Association for Information Systems, and IEEE Computer Society. September 2005.

Software Engineering 2004: Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Software Engineering, A Volume in the Computing Curricula Series, Co-chair of the SE2004 Steering Committee Ann Sobel. Other primary authors: Timothy C. Lethbridge, Jorge L. Diaz Herrera and Thomas B. Hilburn.  IEEE Computer Society and The Association for Computing Machinery, August , 2004.

Joanne M. Atlee, Richard LeBlanc, Timothy Lethbridge, Ann Sobel and J. Barrie Thompson, “Software Engineering 2004: ACM/IEEE-CS guidelines for undergraduate programs in software engineering”, Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE 2005), St. Louis, MO, May 2005, pp, 623-624.

Ellen Francine Barbosa, Richard LeBlanc, Jose Carlos Maldonado, and  Mark Guzdial, “Introducing Testing Practices into  an Objects and Design Course”, Proc. of the 16th Int. Conf. on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEET 2003), Madrid, Spain, March 2003.
D. Mays and R. LeBlanc,  “The CycleFree Methodology: A Simple Approach to Building Reliable, Robust, Real-Time Systems,” Proc. of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2002), Orlando, Florida, May 2002.

Biographical Information

Prior to my retirement in March 2005, I was the Undergraduate Program Director for the College of Computing for a little over a year.   From August 2000 through December 2003, I spent most of my time serving as Director of Education for Yamacraw, an economic development initiative of the State of Georgia. While with Yamacraw, I also played a major role in the planning for the Technology Square Research Building.  Before beginning my appointment with Yamacraw, I served as Associate Dean of the College of Computing for eight years.  I began my career as a faculty member at Georgia Tech in 1978, serving for three years in the late 1980’s as Acting Associate Director of the School of Information and Computer Science, the predecessor of the College of Computing.

I am the co-author of popular textbooks on compiler construction, Crafting a Compiler and Crafting a Compiler with C.

I have served the professional community as a Member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (1991-1997) and an Associate Editor of ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems (1991-1994).  I was Chair of the ACM Education Board from 1996 to 1998 and served as Vice Chair of this Board from 1998-2002. 

I have served several times as a Computer Science Team Chair for the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET.   I have also served as a Software Engineering Program Evaluator for ABET's Engineering Accreditation Commission.

I received the B.S. degree in physics from Louisiana State University in 1972 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer sciences from the University of Wisconsin - Madison in 1974 and 1977, respectively.

Interesting Stuff

Pictures from my trip to Brazil in 2002

Last Modified: Sun, January 7, 2007 by Rich LeBlanc