The epic voyage of 2003-2004: Nice, Monaco, Pisa, Pompeii, Rome.

Featuring Howie's Italian friends, Nancy napping, a train ridin' dog, and both John Paul's.

Nice -- just after WAFR 2002 (December)

At the museum of modern art --- art with basses and giant rabbits!


The casino, where I took 500 of the Prince's Euros Me with Howie and 5 of the Prince's Euros ---
just enough for a McD's treat

Howie, and some of Howie's Italian Friends


Can you find Howie and Nancy in this photo?
Nancy seems tired.

and then there were three... Nancy goes home.

Pompeii - featuring the Dogs of Pompeii

Howie in the amphitheatre. Dogs in the bath.
Howie gives the thumbs-down in the Coliseum.
Howie in the bath. Dog art
Dogs in the station, waiting for the train. All aboard!

ROME --- including Christmas with John Paul II
(with a special appearance by John Paul I)

Rome then..... ... and now
Chain, chain, chain...
The whippin' post
In the pope-mobile handing out Christmas blessings
Beneath St. Peter's