Biographical Sketch
Shamkant Navathe is currently a professor at the College of Computing, Georgia Institute
of Technology, Atlanta. He is known for his work on database modeling, database conversion,
database design, distributed database fragmentation, allocation, and redesign, and
database integration. Current projects include biological genome databases, data
mining, modeling of database security, and knowledge base design. He has worked with
IBM and Siemens in their research divisions and has been a consultant to various
companies, including Honeywell, Nixdorf, CCA, ADR, Digital, MCC, Harris, Equifax
and Hewlett Packard corporations. He was the Program Chairman of the 1985 ACM-SIGMOD
International Conference on Management of Data in Austin, Texas and a Program Co-Chairman
of PARBASE 90, the first major conference on parallel database processing in Miami,
He has been an associate editor of ACM Computing Surveys during 1986-98, and
is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
and Data and Knowledge Engineering (North Holland). He is also on the editorial
boards ofInformation Systems (Pergamon Press) and Distributed and Parallel
Databases (Kluwer Academic Publishers). He is an author of the book, Fundamentals
of Database Systems, with R. Elmasri (Benjamin Cummings/Addison Wesley, Edition
2, 1994) which is currently the leading database text-book worldwide. His recent
work has addressed database integration, heterogeneous federated databases, intelligent
querying, the design of intelligent interfaces to document databases, object-oriented,
active, and multi-media database management. He has applied database technology to
biological information, particularly the human genome data, and to engineering design
data. He is the editor of the series: "Database Systems and Applications"
for Benjamin Cummings and has published the book, Conceptual Database Design:
An Entity-Relationship Approach with Batini and Stefano Ceri in 1992.
Prior to his current position, Navathe was with the Database Systems Research and
Development Center and was a Professor of Computer and Information Sciences at the
University of Florida in Gainesville (1979-1990). He was on the faculty of New York
University's Graduate School of Business Administration (1975-79) and a system engineer
for IBM World Trade Corporation and Electronic Data Systems. Navathe received a BE
in Electrical Communications Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
India, an MS from Ohio State University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan
(1976). Navathe has over 100 refereed publications in journals and conference proceedings.
More recently, he was the General Chairman of the IFIP (Int. Federation of Information
Processing) WG 2.6 Working Conference on Database Application Semantics in Atlanta
in May 1995, and was the General Co-chairman of the 1996 International VLDB (Very
Large Data Base) conference in Bombay, India. He was also a co-Program Chair of the
"International Working Conference on Information and Process Integration in
Enterprises: Rethinking Documents," at M.I.T. in November 1996. He has been
an elected member of the International VLDB foundation (1992-98).
PHONE: (404)-894-0537.
ADDRESS: College of Computing, 801 Atlantic Drive, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280.