Spencer Rugaber
am a faculty member of the College
of Computing at the Georgia
Institute of Technology.
A formal curriculum vitae is available in
PDF format.
Course information
I have created and taught courses in
all areas of Programming Languages and Software Engineering.
Course descriptions are available from my
Bookmarks page.
Research interests
Dr. Rugaber's research has
concentrated on reverse engineering, software evolution, and user
interfaces. A research agenda and
vision statement can be found
here. Further information is
available in my entry in the Best North
America research database.
Links to information on current and
future research projects can be found here.
Here are links to some pages that
you might find of interest. The first gives my
teaching philosophy. The next
describes the kinds of things that I look for when reading a
thesis proposal.
I have a similar description of what I like to see in a
doctoral dissertation. The fourth
essay concerns some questions that you might ask when reading a
research paper.
are some notes
for Masters students on doing projects and Special Problems courses.
Finally, there are
some useful resources for PhD students.
Here are some
travel diaries you might find
useful. Here are some poems that I like.
Contact information
2406 Klaus Building
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280
(404) 894-8450