CS 6730 - Data Visualization Fall 2021

Design Project

This document describes the capstone project for the course. Students will work on a project in teams of three people.

The idea of the project is to take the knowledge and background that you are learning this semester about data visualization and put it to good use in a new, creative effort. A real key to the project, however, is to select a data set that people will find interesting and intriguing. Even better would be to select a data set with a clearly identified set of "users," "analysts", or "consumers" who care deeply about that data. Select a topic that people want to know more about! I cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of your topic and data set.

No matter what topic you choose, I am expecting a high-quality project. In particular, I'm seeking creative projects showcasing interesting ideas. A good project should consist of an effective visualization design and an implementation of the design using some visualization system.

You are free to choose any visualization tool or tools that you want in order to help create your visualization. Since we are studying Tableau this term, it might be a good choice. Note that you can even use a combination of tools.

You will have five main milestones or deliverables. First, you must form your team. Second, you must select a topic and data set. Third, your team will have a midterm project review and critique with the professor and TAs. Fourth, you will give a short explanation/demonstration of your project to the instructor and TAs during final exam week. Finally, you will create a video (3 minutes or less) that explains your visualizations and shows it in action. All teams will show their videos in our "Video Extravaganza" during the class' final exam period.

Important Milestones

  • Sep 22 - Team formation. If you know your partners, the three members of your team should list your names on the Canvas page for the Project. If you're not set up on a team, email Prof. Stasko and he will set you up with other students.

  • Oct 6 - Initial project description. 1-2 page document listing project members and describing topic to be addressed and data sources/formats. You should address the following questions: Make sure to describe the data and its attributes in detail. Show a snippet from your data. I do encourage teams to run their ideas by Prof. Stasko before turning in this milestone. We will get initial feedback to teams by the following Tuesday. In some cases, we will recommend changing topic. If that occurs, we encourage the team to develop a new topic as soon as possible.

  • Week of Nov. 8-12 - Midterm Design Review & Critique. This milestone is an opportunity for you to show what you have accomplished so far and to receive feedback about the project's progress. It will involve a meeting with the instructor and TAs. At this point of the project, you should have solidified the project's direction and you should be developing a plan for what you will implement. What will your visualization emphasize: analysis, presentation, or both? What types of questions will it help answer and what types of insights will it provide? You also should be creating a variety of design ideas for your visualization. Illustrate those design ideas through mock-ups, sketches, and storyboards, and bring those to this session. This Midway design review is an opportunity for your team to get valuable feedback about the progress and direction of the project. Be prepared to answer many questions about your plans. You should prepare a brief initial overview presentation of where things stand (3-4 minutes) and then the session will be dynamic after that, with much Q&A.

  • Dec 9-10 - Project presentation/demonstration. Each team will meet with the instructor and TAs to show and explain their visualization and describe what they have done. You will need to submit through Canvas and bring three copies to the meeting of a 1-page project overview document. The document should include the following items: topic, team member names, screen shot, problem description & project overview (1 paragraph).

  • Dec 13 - Project materials. Each team will submit all their project documentation (Tableau StoryPoint file, PowerPoint, or website) to a Canvas assignment. Include in this package a one-page overview document of the project and the files being submitted.

  • Dec 14 - System video. Create a 3 minute or less video that describes the problem you addressed and that showcases your visualization. During our final exam period, we will have a "Video Showcase" where each team presents its video and has a few minutes available to answer questions about it. You will need to provide a link to the video file to the instructor by midnight on Dec 13, the day before. Do NOT email the actual large video file--Instead, submit it through a Canvas assignment. Use mp4 format on the video at least 720p but not bigger than 1080p.


    Once your topic has been chosen, each team is required to meet 1-1 with one of the TAs or the Professor at least once. This can be a very valuable opportunity for you to get feedback about your design and implementation. Failure to follow this requirement will result in points being deducted from your project score.

    To determine your grade for the project, we will evaluate the overall quality of your project, including all milestones and components. It is important that you make progress on the project quickly. This is doubly beneficial as it allows more time for your implementation.

    The following questions will be important during that evaluation process.

    The grade earned for the project will be a team grade, that is, all team members will earn the same score for the project. However,the professor reserves the right to adjust individual team member's scores either upward or downward to support especially strong or weak performance and contributions to the group effort, as much as he can objectively determine. It is acknowledged that not all team members will bring the same skills to the group. It is each member's responsibility, however, to make a significant contribution in whatever way that best matches his or her abilities.

    Tips for a Successful Project

    It is extremely important to select an interesting problem with data that some group of people will care deeply about. I cannot stress enough how vital it is to start with interesting data. Find some topic that almost everyone cares about (e.g., baby names, feature films) or that some subset of people really care about (e.g., sports data, politics). Find some topic that will draw interest such as sales of stocks by US Congress people or dark money and lobbying influences on Congress. Consider combining different data sets to produce a new composite data set of special interest. Such a fusion of data often creates a data set that people want to learn about. You may need to take a few weeks of the semester where you simply focus on data acquisition. That's OK. If you do not have your data nailed down by the poster session then you will be in deep trouble.


    Where do you get your data from? Be creative! You may have to scour the web and scrape some information. You may have to manually log and generate data tables. You may have to coalesce multiple different data sources. Part of your responsibility on the project is to come up with the data needed to drive your visualization. It is a crucial and vital initial step! Ideally, you should start with a problem or domain, find someone who knows more about it, and then look for data from there. Don't start your project simply by looking for any old dataset. Be more problem-driven than that. Below are some quick examples of places with nice data repositories. Also, consider organizations that run contests for developing visualizations. They can often serve as good sources of problems and data. Some examples are:

    And finally, there are websites that can help you find data sets such as Kaggle and Google's Dataset Search Tool.