Due February 4 CS 4460/7450 - Information Visualization Spring 2010

Homework 2: Data Analysis and Visual Design

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with experience in analyzing and understanding mutlivariate data sets and to have you begin to think about visualization design of such data sets. Three data sets will be available: food (nutrition), cars, and Amazon product reviews. You are to choose one to work with in this assignment. The data sets are available on t-square.

First, you should examine the data set you chose and formulate three analytic questions. Don't generate simple questions that could easily be answered by examining the data file in its raw form (ie, What is the horsepower of the Chevy Corvette?). Instead, try to generate queries that are more exploratory and complex.

Next, design a visualization of the data set that you feel would help an analyst to determine the answer to these queries. Skecth your visualization on a sheet of paper. I'm not looking for a working system here (that's the next HW). Just do a conceptual design. Try not to simply replicate some well-known infovis technique, however. Be ffective, but also try to be a little creative. Also, don't forget the interaction! A static piece of paper does not do justice to an interactive visualization, so you likely will need to explain how the viewer would interact with and update the display.

What to turn in: List your three analytic questions or queries. Draw/sketch/show your design on a separate piece of paper. Feel free to annotate the sketch with small comments or captions to explain what it is and how it would work. On a separate page, explain your visualization design in a paragraph or two.

Grading: First, we will evaluate the quality of your analytic questions. Interesting, thoughtful and non-trivial queries will be rewarded. Next, we will rate the quality of your design. Here, we are looking for both effectiveness and creativity. We also will examine how clearly and effectively you explain your design. Remember that communicating one's work is almost as important as the work itself. (We do realize that people have differeing levels of design ability and experience. Here, we are looking for a good effort, not necessarily some InfoVis conference paper-worthy new idea.) The prupose of this assignment is to provide you with experience in the analysis of ata like this and the design of visualizations to present the data.