CS 7450 - Information Visualization Fall 2015

Visualization of the Day

As a fun component of the class participation grade, each of you will identify a "Visualization of the Day" once this term. This visualization should have been created in the last year, and you should look for one that is particularly interesting in terms of its visual representation, data, or both. Find one that Prof. Stasko really likes and you'll get extra credit.

We will generate a list of all the students in class so you will know when your "day" comes. By the end of that day, you need to post information about a visualization to a special tumblr account that we are creating. You need to include the following four things in your post:

  1. The URL of the webpage with the visualization
  2. A good representative image from the visualization
  3. A paragraph explaining why you found the visualization interesting and a brief discussion of its strengths and weaknesses in terms of visual representation and interaction
  4. Your name and the date you've been assigned as two ending hashtags

Details about the tumblr account, how to create your posting on it, and the date assignments can be found on the Resources page in t-square. If you already have a tumblr account, we recommend that you create a new one just for this exercise in our class. We strongly encourage everyone to follow-up and comment on the visualizations that are posted, give your opinions, etc. (We will be generating a script that automatically emails everyone in class when a new post is up.)