Project 5a: Mass-Spring Locomotion
CS 7492, Spring 2021
Due: TBD
The purpose of this project is for you to learn about physical simulation
by creating a mass/spring system. Mass/spring systems can be used to
explore a wide variety of biological phenomena. For this project,
you will create a mass/spring simulator and then use it to demonstrate
some form of animal locomotion. The form of locomotion is up to you.
It can be crawling, walking, swimming, hopping, or flying. Depending on
the type of locomotion that you choose, you will include interaction
between your animals and the ground, water, or air. In order to
cause your creatures to move, you will modify the rest lengths of
their springs over time. You can choose to simulate your animals
in 2D or 3D.
Mass/Spring Creature Simulation
This project is more open-ended than prior course projects. You can
choose the kind of virtual creature you will make. You can attempt
to model a real-world animal, or you can make up a body plan of your
own design. Your creature may swim, crawl, walk, jump, fly, or roll.
You can choose to create just a single creature, or you can make
multiple virtual animals. Your simulated world can be either 2D or
3D. The main goal is to demonstrate creature locomotion through
mass/spring simulation.
You have considerable freedom in this project as to the type of
creature you simulate. There are, however, a few requirements for
this project in order to make sure you challenge yourself sufficiently.
Here are the requirements of your simulator:
- Create a creature that has at least 10 springs in its body.
- Vary the length of some of the creature's springs to cause
it to locomote.
- Draw the creature as it is moving.
- Demonstrate two different gaits for your creature, or
create two different creatures that each use a different gait.
Beyond the above requirements, you are free to embelish the simulation
in any way that you see fit. You can work to draw your creature in a
pleasing manner. You can add various GUI elements, such as buttons
and sliders to help control your creature. You can automatically cause
the camera to follow your creature.
Suggested Approach
Whether or not you ultimately plan to create a 2D or a 3D simulation,
I recommend that you begin your project in 2D, since this is easier to debug.
Begin creating a simulator by defining a class of point masses. These
points should have mass, current position, and velocity. You may
also find it useful to have a force or acceleration associated with
each point. This is quite
similar to the flocking assignment, and you may even wish to borrow
code from this earlier assignment. At first, you can create a collection
of points at random positions and with random velocities. Store them
in a list. Then, include
an update step that moves each point according to their velocity, and
draw their positions after each simulation step. Next,
add a simple force, namely viscous damping. Including damping should
cause your points to slow down and eventually come to rest. You may
then wish to add gravity. Depending on
your ultimate goal, you may also wish to confine the points to a fixed region
of the screen, or at least keep them from passing through the floor.
Once you have point masses implemented, you should add springs. The
easiest way to define a spring class is to have each spring have
a reference to a pair of point masses. Each spring should also have
associated with it a rest length and a spring constant. During the
simulation loop, add a step that calculates the forces on the pair
of points that a given spring uses. This will be based on the deviation
of the distance between the points from the rest length. Add these
forces to the per-point accumulated force.
When testing your springs, it is best to work with just two point masses
and a single spring connecting them. It is also useful to be able to take
a single step in the simulation, instead of causing the simulation to
run continuously. Start your point masses at a distance away from each
other that is different than their rest length, say by a factor of 20%.
When you simulate the spring motion, be sure to turn on some
form of damping, such as viscous damping or spring damping. You will
probably have to tune the damping and spring constants until you find
parameter settings that cause a spring to oscillate but then finally
come to rest. Your first few attempts may well have the points flying
off the screen.
Once you have one spring that oscillates and then comes to rest, it is
time to put together a small collection of springs. Create a triangle
that is formed by three springs that connect three point masses. See
if you can drop the triangle onto a virtual ground. If the spring forces
are too weak, the triangle will collapse. Modify the spring constants and
damping coefficients until the triangle is strong enough to hold up
under its own weight.
Once you can create a fairly rigid triangle, it is time to add virtual
muscles. Allow some (or all) of your springs to oscillate over time.
You will want to give each spring at least three new parameters:
frequency, phase, and amplitude. These are attributes of a sine wave
that defines how the rest length of the spring varies over time. At
each time-step, each spring should adjust its rest length based on
the sinusoid. You can test this by making just one of the triangle's
springs oscillate.
With the ability to create oscillating springs, you should be able
to build virtual creatures that move. You may have to add additional
effects such a simple fluid force on the springs, or a friction force due
to the ground that influences a point mass.
Programming Language
For this assignment, you may use any programming language that you wish.
You may use Processing, but you are also free to use any other language
Project Presentations
Each of you will demonstrate your project
to the class. These demonstrations will take place during the time-slot
that has been assigned for our final exam. You can demo your project
either by playing a video or by giving a live demonstration. These
project demonstrations will be short -- five minutes maximum.
Plan to bring a laptop to class during project demo day.
Turning In Your Assignment
You will turn in a write-up that describes your simulator and the creature
that you created. Include in this document some still images of your
creature. Your project description can be a PDF, an MS Word document, or
an HTML document. Also, you should turn in the source code for your
project. You will be graded based on your project presentation and your
write-up. Although I may look through your source code, I will not
attempt to run your program. Your written description and your source
code should be zipped up and turned in on T-square.
Authorship Rules
The code that you turn in must be entirely your own. You are allowed to
talk to other members of the class and to the teacher about general
implementation issues. It is also fine to seek the help of others for
general programming questions about Processing. You may not, however,
use code that anyone other than yourself has written. Code that is
explicitly not allowed includes code taken from the Web, from books,
or from any source other than yourself. You should not show
your code to other students. Feel free to seek the help of the teacher
for suggestions about debugging your code.