Jan van den Brand

Papers CV Complexity Tool

KACB 2144
266 Ferst Drive
GA 30332

vdbrand at gatech.edu

Spring'256515 - Intro to Graduate Algorithms
Fall'247530 - Randomized Algorithms
Fall'246515 - Intro to Graduate Algorithms
Spring'243510 - Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Fall'233511 - Algorithms Honors
Fall'228803 - Dynamic Algebraic Algorithms

About me

I am an Assistant Professor at the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech. Previously, I was a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics and a Simons-Berkeley Postdoctoral Researcher. I completed my PhD at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden, under supervision of Danupon Nanongkai. For my PhD thesis I received the EATCS Distinguished Dissertation Award, and SMC Prize for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation. I completed my BSc + MSc at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.

My research is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and my project "CAREER: From Dynamic Algorithms to Fast Optimization and Back" received an NSF CAREER Award.

Research Interests

My research is on the design and theoretical analysis of efficient algorithms and data structures.
One research focus are dynamic algorithms (i.e., data structures) that maintain properties of dynamically changing graphs and matrices. These can be abstract problems like maintaining the solution of a linear system that changes over time, but it also covers applications like maintaining the fastest route in a road network under changing traffic conditions.
Another research focus are optimization algorithms. Many of these algorithms are iterative and solve a sequence of smaller subproblems, whose solution can be maintained via the aforementioned dynamic algorithms. I develop new iterative methods and dynamic algorithms that complement each other, resulting in improved optimization algorithms.

Many of my results use fast matrix multiplication which is why I created a small tool to obtain upper bounds of such algebraic algorithms.


Emile Anand, Fall 2024 - current
Albert Weng, Fall 2024 - current
Anastasiia Alokhina, Spring 2022 - current
Daniel J. Zhang, Fall 2022 - current

Papers and Publications

[DBLP], [Google Scholar]
Unless marked with a '*', author names are in alphabetical order.

Short Biography

Full CV is available here.