Talk at Universty of Minnesota, April 2, 2001.
Title: "Fulfilling the Promise: Architectures for Realizing Scalable Internet Services"
- Talk at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, June 10, 2011. Title: "Living in the WAM Continuum: Unified Design and Operation of Wireless and Mobile Networks"
- Talk at LINCS, Paris, France, March 4, 2015. Title: "The Cirrus Cloud Project: Opportunistic Mobile Cloud Computing"
- Talk at CMU -Qatar Campus, DOha, Qatar, April 3, 2016. Title: "The Evloution of Netwokring and its research: A personal Perspective"
- Talk at Purdue University, October 10, 2016. Title: "The Evloution of Netwokring and its research: A personal Perspective" (revised version of April 2016 Talk) above)
- Talk at KTH, Stockholm, June 2018.
Title: "The Time-Traveling Computer Networking Researcher: Witnessing the Consolidation and Fragmentation of the Internet" -
Talk at the University of Helsinki, June 2018.
Title: "The Time-Traveling Computer Networking Researcher: Witnessing the Consolidation and Fragmentation of the Internet" See video HERE
- Four generations [ Me, Johnny Wong (my advisor), Kevin Almeroth, Zongming Fei, and Pradnya Karbhari (my students), Khaled Harras (Kevin's Student-now at CMU Q), Mengkung Yang (Zongming's student -- now at EKU)]
Picture Taken May 2005 at IFIP Networking Conference in Waterloo, Canada.- Students from the networking group with Ellen Zegura and me. (Probably taken in 2000)
- With some of my students and other former GT networking students who work at Google and other Bay Area companies (taken April 2012).
- With NICTA (Sydney, Australia) networking group during my visit in June/July 2013.
- With some of my former PhD students who work in the Bay Area (taken July 2015).
- With Marcelo D'Amorim and graduate students at LIP6, UPMC, Paris during my sabbatical Spring 2015.