CS-3251: Computer Networking I

Section B'

School of Computer Science, Georgia Tech

Fall 2018

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to provide students with a rigorous understanding of computer networking concepts, protocols and technologies. Even though we will cover the major Internet protocols in some detail, the emphasis will be on fundamental problems, ideas and algorithms. From this perspective, the architecture and protocols of the Internet are only a ``successful case-study'' among many others that were not so fortunate. Students will have the opportunity to design their own protocols, implement and test them over real networks, solve related mathematical problems, and experiment with various network measurement and troubleshooting tools.


Teaching assistants

Table of Contents

Course Information

Important Dates


We will use the following textbook (required). It is referred to as "KR" in the following (the authors' acronyms). The following books are optional and they can be used as references for advanced material:

Syllabus and Timeline (subject to minor changes)

Homeworks and Programming Assignments

Material will be due at 11:59pm on the specified date and should be submitted using Canvas.


Rough guidelines for calculation of final grade (this is only a ROUGH guideline!):

Notes about grading

Communication with the instructor and the TAs

Class Participation

To do well in this course, students must take active and regular roles in discussion and demonstrate comprehension of the reading and lecture themes. To encourage this, there are three points allocated to class participation.

Course Policies