International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
Portland Marriott Downtown
August 22-24, 2000
Slides from ISSTA 2000 presentations

ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2000) was
held August 21-23 in Portland, Oregon.
Slides of the presentations are
now available.
Advance Program
ISSTA 2000 highlights:
- Twenty-one technical papers on a variety of topics including static analysis
and testing of object-oriented, real-time, component-based, and concurrent soft
- Four invited presentations:
View the
Advance Program for Issta 2000 and 3rd FMSP
Download the
Advance Program in pdf
Scope of the Conference
ISSTA is the leading research conference in software testing and
analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and
practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience.
The ISSTA program will include TUTORIALS, PAPERS (both regular
and short), and PANELS.
PAPERS describing original research in testing or analysis of computer
software are invited, including but not limited to papers addressing
testing and analysis of particular classes of software.
Papers describing both
theoretical and empirical research as well as reports and in-depth
analysis of experience with methods or tools are welcome.
REGULAR PAPERS should clearly present the original contributions made
and should relate the authors work to prior work. Papers should
contain substantive material not previously published or under
consideration for publication elsewhere while under consideration
for ISSTA. The highest quality papers may be considered for publication
in a special issue or section of a research journal.
SHORT PAPERS may present work in progress, experience reports,
smaller projects whose description does not require a full paper, or
analyses, reviews and opinions on the state of software testing
practice and research.
Papers should
not be previously published or under
consideration for publication elsewhere while they are being considered
for ISSTA.
Short papers will be evaluated primarily
according to their interest to the testing and analysis community.
PANEL PROPOSALS for panel sessions on current testing and analysis topics are
also invited.
TUTORIAL PROPOSALS for half-day or full-day tutorials on current testing
and analysis topics are invited.
Submission Guidelines
PAPERS must be prepared in ACM conference format. Regular
papers must not exceed 11 pages in camera-ready form, including figures
and references. Short papers must not exceed five pages in camera-ready
form, including figures and references.
Papers must be printable on 8.5x11 paper.
For both regular and
short papers, a separate
abstract must be submitted 1 week before the full paper.
PANEL PROPOSALS must include title, name and contact information of
the organizer, names of panelists, and a one-page description of the
topic. The panelists should have agreed to participate prior to
submission of the proposal.
include title, name and contact information of the tutor, outline
of the proposed tutorial, and a one-page description of the topic.
All submissions must be in English, and the submission process will be
carried out electronically via the Web.
Regular papers, short papers, panel proposals, and tutorial
proposals must be submitted as
PostScript documents that are interpretable by Ghostscript,
or in PDF format, and they must be printable on both USLetter
and A4 paper.
(Those individuals for which this requirement is a hardship should contact
the program chair.)
More details concerning submissions will be available soon.
Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign ACM copyright release forms.
Style Templates
Electronic Submission (required)
You will submit both your abstract and your paper using ISSTA's Electronic Submission site.
You will use this site for both abstract and paper submissions.
Remember that abstracts must be submitted by February 22, 2000 and
papers must be submitted by Feb 29, 2000.
Camera-Ready Requirements
Final camera-ready copies of papers are due on June 16, 2000.
You will submit the papers in standard ACM Sig-publication format.
This means that papers will be formatted in 9 point font instead of
10 point font (that was required for submissions).
You can get the format at ACM SIG Proceedings Templates.
You will have an 11-page limit for regular papers and a 5-page limit for
short papers.
Important Dates
- 6:00 AM EST, Tuesday, February 22, 2000: Deadline for submission
of a 100-200 word abstract for regular papers or short papers
- 6:00 AM EST, Tuesday, February 29, 2000: Deadline for submission o
f regular papers, short papers, panel proposals, and tutorial proposals
- Monday, April 17, 2000: Notification
- Friday, June 16, 2000: Camera-ready copy due
- Monday, August 21-24, 2000: ISSTA'00 in Portland
The submission deadlines given above are firm.
Program Committee
Program Chair
Mary Jean Harrold
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
801 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
Tel.: +1-404-385-0612
Fax: +1-404-894-2970
General Chair
Debra J. Richardson
Department of Information and Computer Science
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-3425
Tel.: +1-949-824-7353
Fax.: +1-949-824-1715
Program Committee
Joanne Atlee, University of Waterloo
George Avrunin, University of Massachusetts
Thomas Ball, Microsoft Research
Antonia Bertolino, IEI-CNR
Lori A. Clarke, University of Massachusetts
Istvan Forgacs, Balthazar Ltd.
Susan Horwitz, University of Wisconsin
Gail Murphy, University of British Columbia
Mauro Pezze', Politecnico di Milano
Gregg Rothermel, Oregon State University
Mary Lou Soffa, University of Pittsburgh
Frank Tip, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Pascale Thevenod-Fosse, LAAS-CNRS
Michal Young, University of Oregon
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This page is maintained by
Mary Jean Harrold (
Last modified: Sunday, August 26, 2000.