CS7290 Advanced Microarchitecture

Fall 2016

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Course Description
This is a graduate-level advanced computer architecture course In this course, we will extend our knowledge about various topics in computer architecture. This course will cover latest computer architecture papers and advanced topics in microarchitecture, memory systems, GPU architectures, performance/power modeling, and emerging architectures. This course is an open-ended project-based course in which you will choose your topic. The project topics can be research oriented or implementation oriented. It can be optimizing architecture with a timing simulator, developing a timing simulator, implementing an architecture on FPGA boards, developing performance/power models, etc.

- Micro-architecture
- Memory systems
- GPU architectures
- Performance, power modeling
- Emerging architectures

CS6290/CS4290/ECE6100/ECE4100 or an equivalent course A

Textbooks: There is no required textbook for the course.

Course Home Pages: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~hyesoon/fall16/cs7290/index.html

Grading Scheme

Final grade algorithm:
90 ~ 100 (out of 100) or Outstanding project: A
80 ~ 90 or good project : B
70 ~ 80 and completed project: C
Otherwise F

  • Lecture scribing Each student is responsible for scribing the lecture notes.

  • Class participation Class discussion is one of the important part of the class. Some discussions will be lead by students.

  • Student Honor Code: We encourage students to discuss and collaborate together. However, Zero tolerance toward a violation of the student honor code. If you have any questions, please ask to the instructor.

  • Office Hours: Please respect the office hours of the instructor by planning ahead. Other times are possible by appointments.

  • Student Information : Please complete this form by Aug 26th Friday 6 pm .