CS4803 Design Game Consoles
Spring 2010
Instructor: Prof. Hyesoon Kim
Email: hyesoon at cc dot gatech dot edu
Office hours: M 1:00-2:00, W 3:00-4:00
Office: KACB 2344
Class time: 12:05-12:55 MWF
Class room: KACB 1447
[4/28] No class on 4/30. The project report due is on Friday (4/29) F 6 pm.
[4/23] Term project demo/presentation will be on Wed. (4/28)
[4/23] All labs are graded. Please check T-square.
[4/2] Lab #7 is posted
[3/16] Nintendo DS hardware kits distributed in the class and the first demo (lab#5) is scheduled on Friday 19 during the class.
[2/26] Lab #4 is posted
[2/15] The average of Quiz-I is 38/65. The average of Lab#2 is 3.8/5.
[2/1] Sample exam is posted.
[1/27] 1/29 extra lectures on architecture background will be at KACB 1116W 3:00-4:00 pm.
[1/27] Student's Information Sheet Due Feb. 1 (Hardcopy only)
[1/21] P#1 description is updated. Please see "red" fonts.
[1/20] CS2200 text book is at T-square. Ch 5 is for the next Mon.'s lecture and Ch. 9 for the next Wed.'s lecture.
[1/20] Class newsgroup address is http://groups.google.com/group/cs4803dgc2010.
[1/15] P#1 due date is extended. New due date is 1/25 (M).
[1/10]Monday class is canceled. The first class will start on Wed (1/13).