CS7290 Advanced Microarchitecture
Spring 2013
Course Description
In this course, we will extend our knowledge about computer architecture.
This course will cover both latest computer architecture papers and historical papers.
This course is a project-based course in which you
will learn advanced micro-architectures by actually
implementing a simple many-core architecture using a FPGA
(Field-Programmable Gate Array) board. This course requires significant amount of your time to complete projects.
In the class, the students will also lead paper discussions after reading papers.
- Circuit-level micro-architecture
- Historical perspectives
- Memory systems
- Software/Hardware interactive micro-architecture
- GPU architectures
- FPGA programming, hardware description language
CS6290/CS4290/ECE6100/ECE4100 or an equivalent course
Good knowledge of C/C++ programming
Textbooks: There is no required textbook for the course.
Course Home Pages: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~hyesoon/spr13/cs7290/index.html
Grading Scheme
Exam-I (10%)
Paper surveys (30%)
Class discussion (10%)
Assignments & Term project (50%)
Final grade algorithm
85 ~ 100 (out of 100) & Successful project: A
Otherwise F
Paper surveys: Almost every M & W lectures, students have to submit 1 page of paper survey, which describes strength, weakness.
Class participation Class discussion is one of the important part of the class. Some discussions will be lead
by students.
Project discussions/meetings Project is one of the main contents of the class. On average 1 class per week will have
discussions/meetings about the term-project related topics. Some weeks there will be sub-group meetings about the projects with an instructor
during/after class.
Regrades: Regrades are obtained by submitting a written
explanation to the instructor within a week of when the work was
returned in class. Regrades will only be discussed after submitting
the work in this manner. In order for a test to be re-graded, you must
neatly state in writing the reason that you would like your test to be
re-graded. If a test is submitted for a re-grade, I have the right to
re-grade the entire test-so keep it mind that it is possible to
lose additional points. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you
do not ask for a re-grade unless you have substantial reason to
believe that I made a mistake when originally grading the test.
Student Honor Code: Zero tolerance toward a violation of the
student honor code. Any misbehavior will be reported to Dean of
Students directly.
Office Hours: Please respect the office hours of the instructor by
planning ahead. Other times are possible by appointments.