CS7290 Advanced Microarchitecture

Spring 2013

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Course Description
In this course, we will extend our knowledge about computer architecture. This course will cover both latest computer architecture papers and historical papers. This course is a project-based course in which you will learn advanced micro-architectures by actually implementing a simple many-core architecture using a FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) board. This course requires significant amount of your time to complete projects. In the class, the students will also lead paper discussions after reading papers.

- Circuit-level micro-architecture
- Historical perspectives
- Memory systems
- Software/Hardware interactive micro-architecture
- GPU architectures
- FPGA programming, hardware description language

CS6290/CS4290/ECE6100/ECE4100 or an equivalent course
Good knowledge of C/C++ programming

Textbooks: There is no required textbook for the course.
Course Home Pages: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~hyesoon/spr13/cs7290/index.html

Grading Scheme
Exam-I (10%)
Paper surveys (30%)
Class discussion (10%)
Assignments & Term project (50%)
Final grade algorithm

85 ~ 100 (out of 100) & Successful project: A
Otherwise F

  • Paper surveys: Almost every M & W lectures, students have to submit 1 page of paper survey, which describes strength, weakness.

  • Class participation Class discussion is one of the important part of the class. Some discussions will be lead by students.

  • Project discussions/meetings
    Project is one of the main contents of the class. On average 1 class per week will have discussions/meetings about the term-project related topics. Some weeks there will be sub-group meetings about the projects with an instructor during/after class.
  • Regrades: Regrades are obtained by submitting a written explanation to the instructor within a week of when the work was returned in class. Regrades will only be discussed after submitting the work in this manner. In order for a test to be re-graded, you must neatly state in writing the reason that you would like your test to be re-graded. If a test is submitted for a re-grade, I have the right to re-grade the entire test-so keep it mind that it is possible to lose additional points. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you do not ask for a re-grade unless you have substantial reason to believe that I made a mistake when originally grading the test.

  • Student Honor Code: Zero tolerance toward a violation of the student honor code. Any misbehavior will be reported to Dean of Students directly.

  • Office Hours: Please respect the office hours of the instructor by planning ahead. Other times are possible by appointments.