Ellen Matthews Christopher Octa Matthias Grundmann John Kelly Daniel King Devin Hunt Panch Krishamurthy        

CS4496A (88336) and CS7496: Computer Animation, Fall 2006
Tu-Th. from 9:35 am to 10:55 am in CCB-53

Jarek Rossignac, jarek@cc.gatech.edu
Office: TSRB-320
Office hours: Tuesdays, 11am-noon in Darts Lounge (CCB 2nd floor, where the sofas and microwaves are)
ByungMoon Kim
Office: TSRB-320A
Office hours: Thursdays, 11am-noon in CCB 2nd floor lunch cove or by appointment in TSRB-320A

Pictures of students

Project 2: Chris&Davin (show), Amro&John (chicken), Ellen&David, Joanna&David, Bryant&Daniel, Chris&William (juggler, extra), Christopher&James (flames+hands), Mathias&Florian (flames, dramatic)
Project 1 (List and Awards)
Towards a physically correct solid-on-a-spring pendulum: Theory: Jakobsen, Witkin, Varga, Banach. Applets: Hecht, Whited, Grundmann, ...  ?
LINKS: Auodesk AREA. Conference papers (Ke-Sen Huang).

    Day Topic Due Assigned reading Resources
  01 Aug 22, Tu Overview: Organization, Principles, Processing, Project 1a (timewarp)   1, 3.6 P1a, P1aOGL, Demos, car texture
02 Aug 24, Th Path: Polyloop subdivision and smoothing   B.4, curves, Wang
03 Aug 29, Tu Speed control: interpolation of frames, Arc-length parameterization, P1a due 3.1-2 P1b,
04 Aug 31, Th Key-framed trajectories: Bezier, Bi-arcs, twist, smoothing polytwists,   3.4, Bezier,
05 Sep 5, Tu Collision: Detection (balls, polygons), Prediction, P1b due   P1c,
06 Sep 7, Th Dynamics : Simulation Quiz1 4.3.2, 4.6.2-4, 4.4 Car accidents, Drag, Witkin, Banach, Varga
07 Sep 12 , Tu Particles: Dynamics P1c due 4.5, Stern Metoyer, Jakobsen, Hecht, Whited, intertia
08 Sep 14, Th Natural phenomena: CFD, Level sets, Water, Smoke, Clouds, Fire H1 due 3.2, 5.2-3, Fedkiw Kim, H1 solution (King), (Carlson)

09 Sep 19, Tu Geometry (review): Vectors, Poses, Transforms, Camera Control   2.1, A.4, B.1-3, 3.4.1, 4.1 G2D
10 Sep 21, Th GUEST LECTURE: Electronic Arts P1d due   AP1d
11 Sep 26, Tu Interpolating motion: Quaternions, Screws, Smoothing   2.2-3, 3.3, 3.5, A.4 Screwbender
12 Sep 28, Th PROJECT AWARDS + Mark Carlson, Disney Animation  
  13 Oct 3, Tu PROJECT PRESENTATIONS: P1 Projects  
14 Oct 5, Th MIDTERM solution    

15 Oct 10, Tu Triangle meshes: Representation, Topology, Traversal    3.4.3, meshes, Ch,
16 Oct 12, Th Analysis: Curvature, Geodesic path, isolation, skeleton P2 due 3.9.5,  
17 Oct 19, Th Deformations: FFD, Twister, Bender   3.4.1, 3.7  Twisters, Bender, Nealen, Akleman
18 Oct 24, Tu Morphing: Minkowski Morph, Ball Morph   3.8, 3.9, A.2   
19 Oct 26, Th Collision detection: Mesh intersections, hierarchies, hardware      
20 Oct 31, Tu Implicit surfaces: Formulation, Tessellation, Collisions   4.6  
21 Nov 2, Th Rigid body:  Dynamics, Free fall, Contacts P4 due 4.3, B.6  Processing Images , pendulum
22 Nov 7, Tu Articulated structures: Kinematics, Dynamics   4.2, 5.1   
23 Nov 9, Th Soft bodies: Spring/mass systems, Energy minimization, Constraints   4.4   
24 Nov 14, Tu Grasp: Arm/hand model, Movements, Reaching, Strength   6.1  
25 Nov 16, Th Quiz solution    
26 Nov 21, Tu Guest Lecture by Professor Hock Soon Seah from NTU on Cel Animation   6.2, 6.4  
27 Nov 28, Tu MOtion CAPture: Acquisition, Reuse, Faces P5 due    
  28 Nov 30, Th

Papers/Projects presentations (Graduate Students)

Papers 6.3, 3.4.5, 6.6  
29 Dec 5, Tu Projects presentations (Undergraduate Students) Projects    
30 Dec 7, Th REVISIONS      
  Dec 11-4 Finals week (closed books, 2 pages of notes permitted) Final    

Project Title Phases Teams of % of P grade
P1 Accident recreator Speed control (a), Uniform sampling (b), Keyframe interpolation (c), Motion editor for car crash reports (d) 2 30%
P2 Juggling clubs (in Maya) Design club, Animate motion, Synchronize 3 clubs, Render (with texture and motion blur), Video, Explain how it was done, post 2 15%
P3 3D Motion Editor cancelled GUI for pose editing, Chain screws, ScrewBender 1 20%
P4 Caricatures Planar textured triangle mesh, Warp (a), Morph (b), Produce Processing applet with morph between faces or animated caricature deformation 1 25%
P5 Proposed by each team Story, Emotions, Humor, Special Effects, Constrained motions 3 30%

Undergraduates Midterm (M) Quizzes (Q) Final (F) Projects (P)
% of grade
Graduates Midterm (M) Quizzes (Q) Final (F) Research paper (R) Projects (P)
% of grade