Welcome to the web pages for the Fall 2018 offering of CS 3630.In this class we’ll use the general problem of sensor-based mobile robot navigation to
The only formal prerequisite is CS1332 Data Structures & Algorithms. Prior knowledge of fundamentals of linear algebra and probability is helpful, but not required. Background in AI and Machine Learning is not assumed. The course requires access to a laptop and a mobile device (cell phone or tablet) running Android or iOS. If you don’t have access to these, please contact the instructor ASAP. All programming assignments will be completed in Python. On these pages, you'll find logistical information about the course, a day-to-day schedule of lecture topics, course assignments, and a description of useful resources for the course (mainly in the form of links to related pages). These pages will be updated frequently throughout the semester, so check back often. At Georgia Tech, there are many opportunities to attend seminars on robotics-related topics, most of which can be found on the IRIM Seminars site. |