What I'm teaching this semester (Spring 2019):
This semester, I'm Teaching
CS 8803RMP: Robot Motion Planning.
The course covers
the geometric problem of computing collision-free paths for robots,
the problem of planning paths for robots with nonholonomic constraints
(e.g., wheeled mobile robots),
and the problem of planning trajectories that take into consideration robot dynamics (e.g., locomotion or flight).
Courses I've taught at Georgia Tech
Courses I liked to teach at UIUC:
- ECE 470: Introduction to Robotics.
I frequently teach teach this course in the fall semester.
Topics include homogeneous transformations, forward and inverse
kinematics, manipulator Jacobians, basic path planning,
basic computer vision methods,
and possibly some visual servo control.
You'll find the web page for the most recent (possibly current)
semester for which I taught (or possibly am teaching) the course
- ECE 550 Advanced Robotic Planning.
This course is typically offered every second semester (odd numbered
Topics can vary quite a bit, and there is sometimes a significant emphasis
on papers from the literature (presented by students). For the basic material,
the course relies on the
Howie Book.
You'll find a recent course web page
- ECE 515: Control System Theory and Design.
This is a fundamental graduate-level course on the modern theory of dynamical
systems and control. It builds on an introductory undergraduate course in
control (such as ECE 486), and emphasizes state space techniques for the
analysis of dynamical systems and the synthesis of control laws meeting given
design specifications.
Topics include modeling and analysis of control systems,
structural properties of control systems (stability, controllability,
observability), feedback controller design, and optimal control.
The departmental web site for the course is
The daily syllabus for my most recent offering of the course is
- ECE 486: Control Systems.
This the basic intro controls class for ECE
students. Topics include the usual - Laplace transforms, root locus, Bode,
Nyquist, and a bit of state space.
The departmental web site for the course is
here. The daily
syllabus for my most recent offering of the course is