Ümit V. Çatalyürek
Professor, School of Computational Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Amazon Scholar, Amazon Web Services

CODA, Room E1342B
756 W. Peachtree St NW
Atlanta GA 30332
Biographical Sketch
I received my B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Bilkent University, Turkey, in Computer Engineering, in 1992, 1994, and 2000, respectively. Before joining the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2016, I was Professor and Vice Chair in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the Ohio State University. And long before that, I worked at Johns Hopkins University as a Research Associate and at the University of Maryland as a Visiting Research Scientist. See Complete Vita.
CSE Graduate Programs
I used to serve as the Director of CSE Graduate Programs. You can find the CSE Graduate Student Handbook and other forms here, and slides of a recent orientation here.
My research interests broadly include topics in high performance computing, combinatorial scientific computing and biomedical informatics. In particular, I am interested in graph and hypergraph partitioning, workload and data decomposition for irregular domains, scheduling, parallel graph and hypergraph algorithms, run time systems for high performance computing and data-intensive computing, parallel algorithms for scientific and biomedical applications. More information can be found on my research lab (TDAlab) web site or my, somewhat outdated, research page.
Awards, Honors and Recognition
- Board Member, Bilkent University, Board of Trustees, 2019–
- SIAM Fellow with citation “for contributions to high-performance and parallel algorithms and to combinatorial scientific computing”, Class of 2020.
- IEEE Fellow with citation “for contributions to combinatorial scientific computing and parallel computing”, Class of 2016.