
Mentoring and Advising

Since my post-doctoral work at Johns Hopkins University and University Maryland College Park, I had the opportunity to advise (or co-advise) and mentor many talentent and bright students. Current list of students in my Lab can be found at TDAlab Members page.

Courses Taught

Georgia Institute of Technology

The Ohio State University

  • BMI 741 - Advanced Topics in Biomedical Data Management, Wi’04,Wi’05, Wi’06, Wi’07

  • ECE 864 - Advanced Computer Design, Wi’06, Wi’07

  • ECE 694J - Scientific Computing on Emerging Architectures, Wi’09, Wi’10

  • ECE 662 - Theory and Design of Digital Computers, Sp’11, Au’11.

  • ECE 7861 - Scientific Computing on Emerging Architectures, Au’12, Au’14

  • ECE 5362 - Computer Architecture and Design, Au’13

  • BMI 7840 - Advanced Topics in Biomedical Data Management, Au’13.