Below are some of the some of my older research projects, and a very brief description of them. For more up to date information please visit TDAlab website.
Recent Funding
- NSF SPX, CCF-1919021 Parallel Algorithm by Blocks - A Data-centric Compiler/runtime System for Productive Programming of Scalable Parallel Systems, 10/1/19-9/30/22.
- DTRA, HDTRA1-16-C-0010, Visual analytics on the spread of pathogens, 12/9/15-3/31/19.
- NLM T15LM011270, MIDAs: Multi-modeling and Integrative Data Analytics Training Program, 9/15/15-2/28/17. News item.
- NSF CC-NIE, CNS-1513120, II-New: Infrastructure for Energy-Aware High Performance Computing (HPC) and Data Analytics on Heterogeneous Systems, 7/1/15-6/30/18.
- DTRA, HDTRA1-14-C-0007, Data, algorithm and analytic capability development for threat surveillance, 1/2/14-1/2/15.
- NSF CC-NIE, OCI-1246001, Innovations to Transition a Campus Core Cyber infrastructure to Serve Diverse and Emerging Researcher Needs, 10/1/12-9/30/15.
- QNRF, NPRP 4-1454-1-233, BioCloud - Algorithms, Tools and Infrastructure for High-Performance Next-Generation Bioinformatics on the Cloud, 4/1/12 - 9/30/15.
- DOE/NEUP, Pathway Aggregation in the Risk Assessment of Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection (PR&PP) of Nuclear Energy Systems, 10/1/11-9/30/14.
- NSF PetaApps, OCI-0904809: Taming the scale explosion in nuclear structure calculations, 9/1/09-8/31/14.
- NSF PetaApps, OCI-0904802: Enabling Breakthrough Kinetic Simulations of the Magnetosphere via Multi-zone Petascale Computing, 8/1/09-7/31/13.
- NIH/NCI R01: Informatics methods for identifying breast cancer control genes and proteins, 6/1/09-4/30/15.
- DOE SciDAC Institute: Combinatorial Scientific Computing and Petascale Simulations (CSCAPES), 9/15/06-9/30/12.
- NSF CAREER: Scalable Combinatorial Scientific Computing, 3/1/07-2/28/13.