
Z. Lv, K. Kim, A. Troccoli, D. Sun, J.M. Rehg, J. Kautz, Learning Rigidity in Dynamic Scenes with a Moving Camera for 3D Motion Field Estimation, accepted to the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018. [arxiv]

Y.C. Hsu, Z. Lv, J. Schlosser, P. Odom, Z. Kira, A probabilistic constrained clustering for transfer learning and image category discovery", in the 2018 CVPR Deep-Vision Workshop, 2018. [arxiv] [code]

Y.C. Hsu, Z. Xu, Z. Kira, and J. Huang, Learning to Cluster for Proposal-Free Instance Segmentation", accepted to the International Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2018. [arxiv]

C.Y. Ma, A. Kadav, I. Melvin, Z. Kira, G. AlRegib, and H. Peter Graf, Attend and Interact: Higher-Order Object Interactions for Video Understanding", accepted to the IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018. [arxiv] [blog] [FIVER CVPR Workshop version]

Y.C. Hsu, Z. Lv, Z. Kira, Learning to Cluster in order to Transfer Across Domains and Tasks", accepted to the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2018. [arxiv] [code]

C.Y., Ma M.H. Chen, Z. Kira, and G. AlRegib, "TS-LSTM and Temporal-Inception: Exploiting Spatiotemporal Dynamics for Activity Recognition", in submission. [arxiv] [code]

C.Y. Ma, A. Kadav, I. Melvin, Z. Kira, G. AlRegib, and H. Peter Graf, Grounded Objects and Interactions for Video Captioning", accepted to the NIPS 2017 Workshop on Visually-Grounded Interaction and Language (ViGIL), 2017. [arxiv]

Z. Lv, C. Beall, P.F. Alcantarilla, F. Li, Z. Kira, and F. Dellaert, "A Continuous Optimization Approach for Efficient and Accurate Scene Flow", accepted to the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016.

                        title={A Continuous Optimization Approach for Efficient and Accurate Scene Flow},
                        author={Z. Lv, C. Beall, P.F. Alcantarilla, F. Li, Z. Kira, and F. Dellaert},
                        journal={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},



Y.C. Hsu and Z. Kira, "Neural network-based clustering using pairwise constraints", accepted to the Workshop Track at the International Conference on Learning Representations, 2016.

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                        title={Neural network-based clustering using pairwise constraints},
                        author={Yen-Chang Hsu, Zsolt Kira},
                        journal={International Conference on Learning Representations (Workshop Track)},