CS4290/CS6290HPCA High-Performance Computer Architecture
Fall 2010
Instructor: Prof. Hyesoon Kim
Email: hyesoon at cc dot gatech dot edu
Office hours: Tu/Th 4:30-5:00
Office: KACB 2344
Class time: Tu/Th 3:00-4:30
Class room: KACB 1443
TA:Vinay Sridha (svinay3 at gatech dot edu)
TA office hours: M 3:10-4:00, W 11-11:50 KACB 1201
< [12/13] HW#4 solution is posted. Extra office hours: Dec. 14 (T) 2-3 pm
[12/1] Hw#4 is posted. (please note that for HW#4, only on-line submission is allowed)
[11/29] Lab #3's FAQ is updated.
[11/29] Lab #2 grading script is posted. Lab #3 due is 12/3 (F), report 12/7(Tuesday) class. Paper survey report due is 12/7 (Tuesday)
[11/11] Lab #3 is posted.
[10/26] Prog #2's deadline is extended to Nov. 3 (W).
[10/14] exam #1 (solution is here ). The average is 40/60.
The highest score is 59/60.
[10/8] Programming assignment #2 and the paper survey guidlines are posted.
[9/28] HW #1 solution is posted. The average is 64/80.
[9/25] Sample exam is posted to help exam preparation.
[9/25] HW #2 is posted.
[9/14] Hw #1 deadline is extended to 9/21.
[9/9]HW #1 is posted. Please change the code in print_pipeline(). please see the homework homepage.
[9/8] Test case for program #1 is posted.
[9/8] CS4290 students can turn in their assignments until Sunday 6 pm
Homework #0 is here . Please turn in the hard copy of student's information.
[9/2] Virtual office hours at 9:00-10:00 pm, 9/2 (Th). Skypeid is cs62902010.
[8/26] The program assignment (lab) #1 is posted. The code is slightly updated to support more restricted gcc compiler at 10 AM Friday 08-27-2010.
[8/26] The average of the exam#0 is 8.
[8/17] The class is full now. Typically some students drop classes after the first lecture, so please wait until 8/25 before you
send a request for the registration to me. You MUST take the quiz on the first lecture if you want to register the course even if you couldn't register it now.
I'll allow students who are graduating this fall or
students whose adviser send email (please send email after 8/25 also)
among WHO TAKE THE QUIZ on the first lecture.
[8/5/10] On the first class time, there will be an exam. If you cannot come to the class or if you miss
the first lecture, please send email to the instructor.