CS4803 Design Game Consoles
Spring 2009
Instructor: Prof. Hyesoon Kim
Email: hyesoon at cc dot gatech dot edu
Office hours: Tu 3:30-5:30
Office: KACB 2344
Class time: 9:30 -11:00 Tuesday and Thursday
Class room: CCB 53
[4/27] A sample exam is posted to help the final exam. (please review all exam1, exam2, sample exam1, sample exam2 papers.)
[4/26] The list of buzzwords is posted to help the final exam. (please not that the final exam includes all the material.)
[4/26] Lecture notes(ppt) are posted at T-square/resources.
[4/16] Hw#3 & Hw#4's grades are sent to mail.gatech.edu account.
[4/16] Hw#5 final design review guideline is posted.
[3/26] Hw#5 is posted. Please send your hw#5 partner's name by 3/29 to the instructor's email.
[3/26] Exam #2 covers until lec_graphother.pdf file. lec_amd.pdf , lec_opencl.pdf is not the part of exam #2 material. (Exam #2 covers the material after exam #1. Note that the later part of Xbox 360 is still the part of Exam #2 material.)
[3/26] Lecture notes after the exam #1(power point format) and quiz
questions are
posted at T-square/resources. ( please look at lex_xbox_updated.pptx
[3/26] The list of buzzwords is posted to help Exam #2.
[3/24] New hw#4's due date is March 29th (Sunday) 6 pm
[3/13] 2Dconvolution_gold.cpp is updated. Please download the file again.
[3/12] A sample exam is posted to help Exam #2.
[3/12] HW#3's demo session will be on March 24 (11:00-12:00) at States Lab. (Test case will be provided.)
[3/12] New hw#4's due date is March 26 (Th).
[3/10] HW#4 is posted.
[2/7] Hw#2's FAQ is updated and an example output is posted.
[2/7] Lecture notes (power point format) are posted at T-square/resources.
[2/7] A sample exam is posted to help Exam #1.
[2/6] Assignment #2's new due date is Feb. 15 (Sunday) 6:00 pm.
[2/5] The list of buzzwords is posted to help Exam #1.
[1/27] Assignment #2's new due date is Feb. 8 (Sunday) 6:00 pm.
[1/27] Assignment #1's resubmission due date is Jan 31 (Saturday) 6:00 pm.
[1/27] 1/27's office hours are 4:30 - 5:30.
[1/22] Assignment #2 is finalized. The due date is 2/4 5:55 pm.
[1/9] Assignment #1 is finalized. The due is 1/21 5:55 pm.
[1/7] Thursday's lecture note is posted. Please brining the LC3b1, LC3b2, LC3b3 documents.
Student's Information Sheet Due Jan. 15th