
Summary of weight for course assignments:

CS 4460

Component   Weight
Class participation 5%
Readings questions 10%
HW Assignments 53%
      HW 1 7%
      HW 2 8%
      HW 3 10%
      HW 4 4%
      HW 5 4%
      HW 6 20%
Final Exam 32%

CS 7450
Component   Weight
Class participation 5%
Readings questions 10%
HW Assignments 33%
      HW 1 7%
      HW 2 8%
      HW 3 10%
      HW 4 4%
      HW 5 4%
Semester project 30%
Final Exam 22%


Class Participation

If you come to class regularly and pay attention, you should earn full credit. If you want to surf the internet on your laptop, stay home.

Readings Questions

For each assigned reading day, list one question, comment, or reaction that arose in your mind about the paper or one of the papers assigned. This should be stated in one sentence or perhaps two at most. Grading will be 0 (didn't turn in or not relevant), 1 (ho-hum, not very thoughtful), or 2 (a thoughtful question that shows you read and understood the paper). Full credit is 2 points. Particularly insightful and thoughtful questions can earn an extra credit score of 3. You are allowed two "free passes" during the term -- these are times when you do not need turn in a reaction. We will use t-square for submitting these questions and reactions.

Homework Assignments

HW 1 - Table and Graph Design (7%)
HW 2 - Data Analysis and Visual Design (8%)
HW 3 - Building a Visualization (10%)
HW 4 - Drawing a Graph (4%)
HW 5 - Investigative Analysis (4%)
HW 6 - Visualization for Investigations: VAST Challenge (20%, 4460 students only)


Project (for students in graduate section, CS 7450)

Description - Capstone term project

Late Turn-in: - For each class period late, 25% of the total grade will be deducted from an assignment's score.