There is no established textbook for the field of Human-Robot
Interaction, selected conference and journal articles will be assigned
as reading throughout the course.
Students are expected to attend all classes; unexcused absences will
affect your final grade. A significant aspect of class will be group
discussion and participation, thus it is essential that you carefully
review the required reading before each class and be prepared to share
your perspective.
The course grade breakdown is as follows: 15% per written case study (3
total), 20% participation, 35% final project. The participation
grade will be determined based on active participation in class
discussions and presentation of reading summaries, when assigned.
Projects will be determined on an individual basis in October and
will include a written report, in-class presentation and demo.
The purpose of the written case studies is to assess each student's individual mastery of the HRI curriculum. Topics covered include relevant literature review, study design methodology and evaluation methodology across multiple domains. Each written response will be graded by the course instructor and the TA, with the ultimate grade reported as a ✓+, ✓ or ✓- (equivalent to 100%, 80%, 60%). Students receiving a ✓ or ✓- may resubmit (by email to the instructor) up to one updated response for reevaluation within 7 days of the original deadline.
Note that each of the case studies previously appeared on the Robotics PhD Qualifer Exam, for which CS7633 serves as a core course. Thus, for PhD students in the course the case studies serve as valuable practice for the written portion of the quals. I'm happy to arrange a time to meet outside of class for any PhD student interested in practicing the additional oral component.
The submissions system will close at 3pm on the date that the assignment is due. Late assignments will not be accepted except for pre-arranged absences or special considerations because the content of the case studies will be discussed in class on the date of submission.