Prof. Frank Li
About Me
Georgia Tech
Fall 2024:
Instructor for ECE/CS8803-ECS: Empirical Computer Security.
Fall 2023:
Instructor for ECE6612/ECE4112/CS6262/CS4262: Computer Network Security.
Spring 2023:
Instructor for ECE/CS8803-ECS: Empirical Computer Security.
Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Annual CIOS Award
Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Semester Honor Roll
Spring 2022:
Instructor for ECE/CS8803-ECS: Empirical Computer Security.
Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Annual CIOS Award
Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Semester Honor Roll
Fall 2021:
Instructor for ECE6612/CS6262: Computer Network Security.
Spring 2021:
Instructor for ECE6612/CS6262: Computer Network Security.
Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Semester Honor Roll
Fall 2020:
Instructor for ECE/CS8803-ECS: Empirical Computer Security.
Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Annual CIOS Award
Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Semester Honor Roll
UC Berkeley
Spring 2017:
Graduate TA for
CS161 Computer Security
with Prof. Vern Paxson.
Spring 2016:
Graduate TA for
CS161 Computer Security
with Prof. David Wagner and Prof. Raluca Ada Popa.
Berkeley Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor award
Spring 2013:
Undergraduate TA for
6.033 Computer Systems Engineering
with Prof. Frans Kaashoek and Prof. Dina Katabi.
Winter 2013 (IAP):
Instructor for
6.S096 Introduction to C and C++
, a for-credit January-term course, with Tom Lieber and Kyle Murray.
Winter 2012 (IAP):
Instructor for
6.S096 Introduction to C and C++
, a for-credit January-term course, with Chen Zhao.