Grades are based on performance as measured by points earned on
class evaluation instruments. The summary of weights of course
assignments is listed below
Component | | Weight |
Quizzes & Class attendance | | 10% |
HW Assignments | | 20% |
Programming Assignments | | 28% |
Midterm exam | | 20% |
Final exam | | 22% |
The course will be graded on a traditional weight system as shown
A | | 90-100 |
B | | 80-89 |
C | | 70-79 |
D | | 60-69 |
F | | 0-59 |
In case there are assignments with lower than expected averages, the
instructor may adjust this scale. Students achieving the averages
above are guaranteed to receive the listed grade at worst, however.
Quizzes and Class Attendance
It is expected that students will come to class, be prepared by doing
any assigned reading or other preparation, and will pay attention and
participate in discussions. Pop quizzes will be given at the start of
five classes to check attendance and to evaluate student's preparation.
Homework Assignments
HW 1 - Data Exploration and Analysis (4%)
HW 2 - Table and Graph Design (4%)
HW 3 - Investigative Analysis (4%)
HW 4 - Using and Critiquing a Commercial
Infovis System (4%)
HW 5 - Drawing a Graph (4%)
Programming Assignments
P1 - Static Bar Chart (5%)
P2 - Trellis Scatterplot (5%)
P3 - Sliding GapMinder (5%)
P4 - Brushing & Linking (5%)
P5 - Design Project (8%)
Programming assignments
will be turned in via GitHub.
Late Turn-in:
For each calendar day late, 10% of the total
grade will be deducted from an assignment's score.