CS 3600
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Fall 2017

Meets: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 10:10-11:00am in Clough Commons 152

Instructor: Prof. Mark Riedl (riedl@cc.gatech.edu)
Office hours: Tuesdays: 2:30-4:30pm, TSRB 228

Home Schedule Assignments Grading Piazza


  1. Project 0: Introduction to Python (0% of grade) [No due date]
  2. Project 1: Search (15% of grade) [Due Sunday September 24, 2017, 11:55pm]
  3. Project 2: Markov Decision Problems (15% of grade) [Due Sunday October 22, 2017, 11:55pm]
  4. Project 3: Dynamic Bayesian Networks (15% of grade) [Due Sunday November 12, 2017, 11:55pm]
  5. Project 4: Neural network (15% of grade) [Due Sunday December 3, 2017, 11:55pm]

Codebases for each project can be downloaded from T-square.

Homework exercises

  1. Missionaries and cannibals (problem | solution)
  2. Search (problem | solution)
  3. Search 2 (problem | solution)
  4. Search 3 (problem | solution)
  5. Optimization search (problem | solution)
  6. Bayes net inference (problem | solution)
  7. Bayes net inference 2 (problem | solution)
  8. Markov decision process (problem | solution)
  9. MDP Vvalue iteration problem from class (problem | solution)
  10. Decision tree learning (problem | solution)
  11. Reinforcement learning (problem | solution